I am pregnant, my due date is September 18, and I am on sick leave until September 7. The workplace told me that I had to apply for maternity leave later, even if I did not give birth before 6 p.m. Is that legal?

You are en titled to maternity leavein connection with the birth of a child and is counted from the expected dateof deliverydetermined by a doctor and confirmed by a medical certificate. You can take two weeks of maternity leave before the expected date of birth, but it is a privilege, not an obligation, and therefore, like any working expectant mother, you can, but do not have to take advantage of this option. The employer cannot order you to use this right - it is up to you to decide whether you will use all the leave after giving birth or part of it - before.

Maternity leave - who is en titled to? Check! [TOWIDEO]

monthly "M jak mama"
