Endometriosis affects about 10% of (190 million) women and young girls of childbearing age worldwide. This is the latest information from the World He alth Organization (WHO). What exactly is endometriosis and can it be cured?

Endometriosis (so-called external endometriosis)is a chronic disease that manifests itself under the influence of various factors, including genetic, hormonal, immune or environmental. It consists in the presence of endometrial cells, i.e. the lining of the uterus, apart from their proper location. Tissue lines the inside of the uterine cavity, and each month during the menstrual cycle, it builds up, peels and is removed from the body.

The most common symptom of endometriosis ispelvic painespecially during your period. Instead of the bothersome spasm of the uterine smooth muscle that occurs during menstruation, many women with endometriosis experience severe pain that can be difficult to control. What are the other symptoms of endometriosis?

  • Pain during intercourse,
  • Pain when urinating or passing stools,
  • Heavy bleeding during menstruation,
  • Diarrhea,
  • Constipation,
  • Flatulence,
  • Fatigue.

Finding relief from the painful symptoms associated with endometriosis is important. Fortunately, there are many home remedies that won't replace medications, but at least help ease the symptoms of the disease. But is it really possible to cure endometriosis?

With this question, we went togynecologist Dr. Jacek Tulimowski . According to him, "it is a disease for life". - Endometriosis, if you recognize it, you have it.As of today, none of us clinicians, doctors, specialists is able to say: "Madam, I am 100 percent. cured of endometriosis.I have cured you of endometriosis now, you have no symptoms of endometriosis, but it does not slow you down, you and me from the six-monthly observation of your body, performing tests, for example gynecological ultrasound, ultrasound of the abdominal cavity to find out if there is a recurrence this process ", because these processes like to resume - explained the doctor in an interview with Poradnik Zdrowie.

Find out more about endometriosis and read:Endometriosis: symptoms, diagnosis,treatment of endometriosis !
