Cholesterol is found in all tissues and cells of the human body. It is also an important component of cell membranes. Unfortunately, its excess can contribute to the occurrence of various types of diseases. What is the correct cholesterol value for adults and children?
Cholesterol is a chemical compound, classified as fat (lipid), necessary for the proper functioning of the body. It is a component of cells, hormones and bile acids. Its level should not exceed the standard established by the World He alth Organization (WHO). Excess cholesterol in the blood is one of the risk factors for coronary heart disease. It can lead to a heart attack, atherosclerosis, stroke.
Types of cholesterol
The harmful effects of cholesterol depend on the type of protein through which it is transported. The two most important types of cholesterol are LDL (Low Density Lipoprotein) and HDL (High Density Lipoprotein) cholesterol. Cholesterol belonging to the high-density fraction, or HDL, is commonly known as "good cholesterol", while the low-density cholesterol, or LDL, is called "bad cholesterol".
HDL cholesterol protects blood vessels against atherosclerosis, and it works by binding excess cholesterol from the walls of the vessels and then transferring it to the liver. There it is further processed, stored or excreted with bile. LDL cholesterol is the fraction that transports cholesterol from the liver to the cells of the body.
Adult cholesterol norms
An incorrect cholesterol value has dangerous consequences. Therefore, to protect against atherosclerosis or coronary artery disease, blood cholesterol levels should be checked from time to time and a lipid profile should be performed. This test measures levels of total cholesterol, HDL, LDL, and triglycerides.
The norms of cholesterol in adults depend on gender, the presence of chronic diseases and he alth.Normal adult total cholesterol should be below 190 mg / dL . On the other hand, in the case of comorbidities, e.g. diabetes, diseasescoronary or atherosclerosis, the value of total cholesterol should be lower and should not exceed 175 mg / dL.
Normal LDL cholesterol level in adults should not exceed 115 mg / dl , and in people at risk of 100 mg / dl.
For people with comorbidities, this value should be less than 70 mg / dL.
The concentration of HDL fraction, i.e. the level of "good cholesterol" in a he althy body, should be greater than 40 mg / dl in men and 45 mg / dl in women .
Triglyceride levels should not exceed 150 mg / dL.
Cholesterol standards in children
Cholesterol levels should be monitored not only in adults, but also in children. The problem of high cholesterol also affects the youngest. Atherosclerotic plaques (responsible for the occurrence of atherosclerosis, stroke, heart attack) produced by cholesterol can appear even in children under the age of ten.Total cholesterol in children should not exceed 170 mg / dl .
In the presence of comorbidities, e.g. diabetes, its value must be up to 130 mg / dL.
It is extremely important that parents check the lipid profile of children, especially those genetically burdened. Obese children whose menu is based on fast food and processed foods, with little physical activity, are particularly at risk of elevated levels of this lipid.
In children with elevated cholesterol levels, around the eyes or on other parts of the body, you can observe the so-called Yellow tufts, i.e. hard, yellow lumps that are cholesterol deposits.
Cholesterol norms by gender
According to gender, cholesterol norms vary. And although the norm of total cholesterol for both women and men is the same - below 190 mg / dl, in the case of HDL fraction in men it should be above 40 mg / dl, and in women above 45 mg / dl.
How to lower high cholesterol?
In order to keep the cholesterol level at the correct level or lower its value, you should take care of a proper diet and physical activity. First of all, we should exclude or significantly reduce the consumption of animal fats (this mainly applies to overweight people).
You should limit the consumption of red meat, offal, cream, fatty cheese, white sugar. You must give up drinking and smoking.
A diet that lowers the level of bad cholesterol should be based on vegetables, fruits, good vegetable oils, fatty sea fish.
In addition, it's worth ittake care of regular physical activity - at least three times a week. Physical effort should be adjusted to the physical and he alth abilities of the exercising person.