New restrictions and the growing number of COVID -19 patients effectively discourage people from leaving home. But what if you want to check if you are sick with COVID-19, or if you have not had this disease asymptomatically, but are afraid to see a doctor? This is no longer a problem, it turns out that the tests can be performed even at home.

Why is it worth doing a COVID-19 test at home?

Testing at home will certainly be more convenient for everyone. It allows you to avoid contact with more people, which reduces the chances of contamination and saves a significant amount of time by not having to queue. We also feel safer at home, so testing in such conditions is accompanied by much less stress. Especially older people or those with risk factors should learn about and take advantage of this option. Of course, it is available regardless of age.

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What are the indications for the test?

The main indication for the examination is obviously the presence of symptoms of infection. The most common ones include fever, fatigue, dry cough and shortness of breath. However, these are not the only symptoms noted. The disease can manifest itself as loss of taste or smell, muscle pain, skin rashes or discoloration, headache, conjunctivitis, and lack of appetite or diarrhea. If you notice such problems, you should definitely perform the test.

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What does the home examination look like?

By ordering the examination and arranging a specific date, we can expect a nurse to come to us. However, the test itself differs depending on which test variant we choose. If we decide to undergo a blood test, the person sent to us will collect it as usual in clinics.

We do not have to be fasting before the test, but half an hour before it is worth drinking a glass of water. The examination in the form of smear collection looks different. In this case, it is necessary to remember not to eat beforehand. You should also not brush your teeth immediately before taking the smear or use mouthwashesor chew gum.

What are the types of tests?

There are tests:

  • antigenic - make it possible to detect specific viral proteins in a swab taken from the nasopharynx. However, it is recommended that the results of such a test be verified by RT-PCR method.
  • serological - these tests make it possible to detect not the virus itself, but antibodies produced by the human body as a result of contact with it. They reach the highest values ​​of 2/3 weeks after the onset of symptoms of infection. These tests are not the basis for the diagnosis of infection and require additional confirmation by another method. However, they have another important advantage, that is, they are good for detecting a previously past infection. The test material is blood.
  • RT-PCR - the test can be performed both from a swab and from sputum or blood. It is used to detect the genetic material of the virus,
  • PCR - the test also detects the genetic material of the virus. The test material is a nasopharyngeal swab.

The test recommended by the WHO for the diagnosis of COVID-19 infection is the genetic test.

More: Symptoms of Coronavirus. Check if you have symptoms of COVID-19

What if the result is positive?

Some tests require confirmation of the result by RT-PCR. However, if it is also positive, this information is forwarded to the State Sanitary Inspection, which imposes the obligation to undergo quarantine. It is important to follow it. If you feel unwell and your symptoms worsen, you can always call an ambulance. Remember to inform about infection with SARS-CoV-2 virus.
