There are many people who cannot imagine their lives without having a four-legged pet. A dog is called a man's best friend and can actually give a lot of joy and fulfillment. The necessity to go for a walk with him is more than once the only motivation for a daily dose of outdoor exercise. Unfortunately, apart from these undoubted advantages, owning a dog is associated with certain dangers. There are diseases that, when they affect a pet, can also spread to humans and pose a danger to them. What are the diseases that dogs can catch?
Infectious and parasitic diseases, i.e. caused by microorganisms such as bacteria and viruses, and by parasites, can spread through various routes. Some of them are transmitted by airborne droplets, i.e. along with exhaled air and coughing. Others, in turn, spread through blood, food or during sexual intercourse. There are also diseases that people infect from animals.
Zoonozy, the so-called zoonosesis a large group of diseases that are transmitted by various animals. Dogs can also spread some of them to humans. This article describes the most common ones.
It is a viral disease that attacks the nervous system. Mainly transmitted by wild animals such as foxes. A dog can get sick after contact with a forest animal. A person becomes infected bybitten by a rabid dog or by contact of the mucous membranes with his saliva.
The disease does not give any symptoms for a long time (about 4-8 weeks, even several months). Later, not very specific symptoms appear, such as:
- headache,
- feeling unwell,
- sleep problems,
- fever.
More characteristic symptoms appear later - in the area of the bite. There is tingling, burning, numbness and itching. Then there are general disorders, i.e. agitation, anxiety, irritability. This is followed by the development of encephalitis and seizures, arrhythmias and hallucinations.
A symptom specific to rabies ishydrophobia, i.e. reluctance to drink fluids . Diagnostics tries to isolate the virus from the fluidcerebrospinal and molecular methods are used. In the treatment, vaccination and injections with antibodies to the virus are used.
echinococcosis is caused byechinococcass tapeworm . Man is an intermediate host and becomes infected by eating parasite eggs that are found on contaminated food or dirty hands. The eggs come mainly from dogs, which are the final hosts and the main reservoir of the tapeworm.
After entering the body, echinococcus forms cysts and is located in various organs, most often in the liver. Less often in the lungs or brain. Often times it is asymptomatic. If it enters the liver, discomfort in the right subcostal area and a feeling of fullness may appear, which is intensified in the supine position on the right side.
In diagnostics, the detection of appropriate antibodies in the blood or the analysis of material from a cyst collected during a biopsy of the affected organ is used. Treatment is based on the use of appropriate drugs or the excision of the cyst.
Dipylidosis is the name of a disease caused by an infection with a canine tapeworm. Here, too, the dog is the ultimate host, and humans become infected by eating the parasite's eggs with food or by dirty hands.Infection is usually asymptomatic.Rarely, there may be severe anal itching, as tapeworm members escape from the gastrointestinal tract.
In diagnostics, a swab is taken from the area of the anus and viewed under a microscope. A suitable anti-parasitic drug is used in the treatment.
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It is the most common zoonotic disease caused by parasites.The disease is the result of infection by roundworm in dogs and cats.The main hosts are dogs and cats. A person can become infected by eating food contaminated with animal feces containing parasite eggs (e.g. unwashed fruit or vegetables contaminated with soil). After entering the body, roundworm can travel throughout the body.
Toxocarosis can have different symptoms depending on where the parasite travels. Systemic symptoms such as:
- high fever,
- chills,
- weakness,
- lack of appetite,
- weight loss.
Ascaris can locate in the eyecausing pain and poor vision, and in the brain, causing epilepsy. In diagnostics, the presence of specific antibodies in the blood is examined, morphology as well as X-ray and ultrasound examinations are performed. In therapy it is usedthe right drug for 5-10 days.
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Canine scabiesis an arachnid, which is primarily a parasite for dogs. A person can become infected by direct contact with a sick animal. Maybe also by using items, such as clothes, towels or bedding, with which the quadruped has previously been in contact. Scabies penetrates the skin and causes severe local itching. There is also a rash and redness.
Diagnostics is based on the study of visible changes. The treatment uses sulfur ointment or permethrin applied to the diseased skin.
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A disease caused by a protozoan namedGiardia Lambliathat lives in the duodenum and small intestine. A person becomes infected with a parasite from a dog or other human, mainly through dirty hands, but also through contaminated water or food. Giardiasis manifests aswatery diarrhea and epigastric pain . There may be weakness, abdominal distension, loss of appetite and weight loss. Chronic infection is associated with fat-rich diarrhea (called fatty diarrhea), nutrient deficiencies, and even depression. Sometimes there are unusual symptoms - hives or allergic reactions.
To detect a parasite, a stool test is done, trying to detect its DNA or antibodies. It is also possible to extract food from the intestine or a fragment of the duodenal wall. To get rid of the protozoa, antibiotics are given - tinidazole or metronidazole.
This is another disease that is transmitted through dogs. It is caused by bacteria excreted from the animal's body through the urine. A person can become infected through direct contact with urine. More often, however, it is infected indirectly -through contact with contaminated water or soil . The disease begins with high fever (up to 40 degrees Celsius), chills, cough, stomach and throat pain, nausea and vomiting.
A very characteristic symptom of leptospirosis isintense pain in the thighs and calves,and bleeding into the conjunctiva. Later, liver enlargement and jaundice may develop. The diagnosis is based on the detection of DNA or bacterial particles in the blood. The detection of specific antibodies is also used. Appropriate antibiotics are used in the treatment.
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Fungus of the skin
It is a group of diseases caused by different species of microscopic fungi (the most common microsporum canis ) of animal origin, incl. from the dog. You can get infected throughdirect contact of the skin with the hair, where tinea develops(e.g. when stroking your pet). Most often, the disease develops in children as they usually maintain long contact with pets.
Symptoms include the appearance of red circles on the skin, burning, and itching. Inflammatory lumps are observed and the hair within the lesions falls out. The diagnosis is made on the basis of microscopic examination of scrapings from the diseased skin. To treat mycosis of the skin, topical creams or ointments with antifungal drugs are used. C