HPV infection is at the forefront of viral infections that are sexually transmitted. It is a very dangerous virus that causes many types of cancer. In women, it can cause cancer of the cervix, anus, vagina or vulva. Learn 5 facts about HPV that are worth knowing to reduce the risk of infection.
There are approximately 660 million HPV carriers in the world. The most common infection is during sexual intercourse, but the virus can also spread through direct contact with the saliva or blood of an infected person or during childbirth.Even the use of condoms is not 100%. protection, and only minimizes the risk of infection.
It is estimated that 50-80 percent sexually active people have been or will be infected with the human papillomavirus. It is now believed that all cases of cervical cancer are caused by chronic HPV infection.
About 470,000 people suffer from cervical cancer in the world every year women, which puts it in second place in terms of the incidence of malignant neoplasms in women. Unfortunately, in Poland, around 3,000 half of the patients die each year of sickness.
Check out 5 facts about the human papillomavirus (HPV)

How to protect yourself from HPV infection?
First of all, you need to take care of a hygienic lifestyle, as well as safe sexual contacts. For women, an important element of prophylaxis is a pap smear, which allows to detect possible neoplastic changes even at an early stage of development, so that appropriate treatment can be applied.
The most important element of infection prevention is vaccination against HPV. The American Vaccine Committee (ACIP) recommends vaccination against HPV in:
- girls and boys aged 11-12,
- previously unvaccinated people under 26,
- previously unvaccinated 27-45 years of age who may benefit from vaccination (to be considered)
Vaccination is most effective in adolescents who have not yet started intercourse.
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