A hernia is the movement of organs or their parts from normal position under the skin or into adjacent body cavities. A hernia, which takes the form of a bulge, can be seen and examined by touch. What are the causes and symptoms of a hernia? What is the treatment of this condition? Is surgery always necessary?

Herniais the displacement of the contents of the body cavity through the openings outside the cavity in which it should be located. The hernia is most often found in the inguinal canal (men), the femoral canal (women), the navel, and the midline of the abdomen. A hernia often appears under a surgical / traumatic abdominal scar.

Hernia - causes

The reason for thehernia development is the weakening of the tissues that build the walls of the body cavities. It may be caused, among others, by increase in pressure in the abdominal cavity. An increase in blood pressure is usually caused by excessive exercise, constipation, COPD or an enlarged prostate gland.

A hernia can also be a complication of systemic diseases, such as diabetes and autoimmune diseases, which lead to a reduction in the strength of tissues.

A hernia may also occur as a result of improperly performed medical procedures (e.g. inaccurate suturing of the covers after the procedure).

Hernia: symptoms

Symptomsthat are caused byhernia,depend on its type. A hernia usually takes the form of a slight bulge, as well as a permanent, discomforting or painful swelling in the affected area. The accompanying symptoms are usually pain and dysfunction of the diseased organ.

Hernia: treatment

Hernia is treated with non-invasive treatment and surgery.

Conservative treatment is usually used for small hiatal hernias. Non-invasive treatment depends on the patient's condition:

  • in the acute stage of the disease - drug treatment
  • during the recovery of symptoms, physical therapy is used (treatment with iontophoresis, magnetotherapy, laser, ultrasound or cryotherapy). In some cases, therapeutic massage may be helpful
  • after the troublesome symptoms have subsidedorthopedic supplies (corsets, collars) may be necessary

There are many surgical techniques used in invasive treatment to remove the hernia.

In the case of a hernia of the abdominal cavity, during the procedure, the contents of the hernial sac are drained through its cavity or its opening. Then excess tissue is removed. In order to prevent recurrence of the disease, special reinforcing nets made of plastic are used.

A hiatal hernia is operated on by Nissen fundoplication. It is a procedure that involves sewing the released stomach floor around the esophagus.
