Many cancer patients quit sexual intercourse when treatment begins. The new social campaign of the Rak'n'Roll Foundation shows that despite cancer, it is still possible to have an active sex life.
KancerSutra, the art of love in cancer, argues that even during cancer therapy, you can draw energy and joy from being together. And although sexual activity may raise some concerns in the sick person, the most important thing is the openness of partners to the search for a form of closeness that will be satisfactory for both parties. There are hundreds of ways to have sex successfully - even after a mastectomy or with a stoma.
Intimacy is an important area of our lives and can support the recovery process. The KoncerSutra social campaign is addressed primarily to women suffering from cancer, as well as to their partners, whose support during treatment is particularly important. The project aims to provide professional support to couples who have stopped having a successful sex life because of cancer.
As part of the campaign, two TV spots aimed at men and women have been planned, encouraging people to change their approach to sex and find pleasure despite the limitations associated with cancer. They are primarily aimed at supporting couples in returning to closeness and intimacy in accordance with the campaign slogan:"If cancer has taken part of you, fill the rest with joy" .
On the website of the projectwww.kancersutra.plyou can find tips and practical information about sexual gadgets and ideas for successful sex in illness. As part of the website, an anonymous online clinic operated by experts will also be launched. Sexologists were involved in the campaign: Dr. Alicja Długołęcka, Magdalena Fritz, psycho-oncologist Mariola Kosowicz, oncologist-gynecologist Dr. Bogusław Lindner, and the sex educator Anna Moderska. From September, workshops for women with sexologists will be held to help overcome the barriers to sexual life during or after illness.
As befits the art of love, the project could not miss drawings with items recommended in the art of love which is KancerSutra.