Beauty boys have been very popular on Instagram and YouTube for several years, but for many Poles their interests, work, are one big and controversial puzzle. So read who the beauty boys are and see the profiles of the most popular of them in the attached gallery!
Beauty boysare men who wear makeup. They can wear makeup on a daily basis (which is rare, however, unless they already have the status of a celebrity / star that is allowed more) or from time to time on the occasion of a larger outing, a public performance or create special tutorials (i.e. instructional videos) on websites , most often on YouTube.
Beauty boy, contrary to many stereotypical ideas, is not a draq queen, i.e. a performer who plays a female figure at a given time. She uses makeup to look prettier, express herself, express her creativity. The beauty boy identifies himself as a man, he doesn't want to make a gender reassignment. Some of them may or may not be gay.
Beauty boy: the history of men's makeup
While the use of makeup by men seems like a fairly recent phenomenon, nothing could be further from the truth. Men were powdered on their noses before our era, specifically in the fourth century. Shells filled with cosmetics were found in the tombs of both sexes, buried in the Euphrates and Tigris valleys.
The Sumerians were famous for their heavy makeup, and many of us also know the Egyptian cat's eye, known from illustrations of various statues in school textbooks.
In Rome, too pronounced makeup was not seen well in both men and women, but it was always worth powdering your face and covering your bald head.
The English kings liked to powder and emphasize the lips, while during the reign of Louis XVI in France, both ladies and gentlemen wetted each other (hygiene is another matter …) very willingly1 .
The popular belief today is that makeup is not suitable for men. While it's easier to forgive artists - it's enough to mention David Bowie, Prince or Boy George - it's not so easy for an average guy to become a beauty boy.
In Poland, beauty boys are still treatedas an unusual phenomenon. It is enough to mention the performance of Stanisław Wołosz and Michał Gwałoda in "Dzień Dobry TVN" - the young and painted boys aroused a huge sensation, and there were a lot of comments about their appearance, sexual orientation or mental he alth.
Check out the aforementioned beauty boys performance!
Beauty Boys: who are the most popular
As Paul Deslandes, a historian dealing with the issue of male beauty over the centuries, points out, "beauty boys enter the mainstream in a very original but powerful way"2 . The scientist emphasizes, however, that he doubts that suddenly men would suddenly start applying makeup on a large scale, because for this you need deeper and long-lasting cultural changes.
Paul Deslandes also adds that beauty boys do not make themselves up to resemble women, but to redefine male beauty. Some people do it quite well.
Also readDaily makeup step by step: how to do it?
Cosmetics for men: what kind of care does a man need?
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James Charleshas over 14 million followers on Instagram (February 2022) and became the first male ambassador of CoverGirl. It is worth noting that beauty boys are universal - they do not present makeup exclusively for men, they are most often followed by women on social media.
Patrick Starrrhas a dedicated group of "only" 5 million fans, but he collaborated with, among others. with Kim Kardashian, Kris Jenner and another famous make-up specialist - Nikkie Tutorials.
Manny Gutierrezis known as Manny MUA (short for "make up artist"). He dropped out of medical studies to pursue makeup, and he's pretty good at it - or at least his nearly 5 million followers seem to think so.
Alex Factionenjoys (so far) much less popularity (255,000 followers) than the above-mentioned gentlemen, but also looks much more traditionally masculine - his character does not arouse so many controversy as other beauty boys - he has stubble, short hair and a well-developed "chest" - he would fit perfectly into the classic ideal of masculinity, if he had not painted himself …
These are just some of the beauty boys - see the attached gallery for pictures of the most famous ones!
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