Varicose veins is not only an aesthetic defect, but also a disease called venous insufficiency. This problem is experienced by every second Pole and every third Pole. If left untreated, they lead to cellulitis and ulceration, and promote the formation of blood clots. See what is conducive to varicose veins.
Blood flows quickly through arteries, because it is pounded by the heart, but return is much more difficult - inveinsit has less pressure, and in the legs it has to overcome the force of gravity. The veins do a great job as long as their walls are springy enough and the valves that keep the blood from regurgitating are functional. The leg muscles (muscle pump) also support the veins. When we move, they contract and constrict the blood vessels, helping to transport blood upwards. Problems begin when the veins lose their elasticity. Then the valves do not close properly and some of the blood that flows towards the heart begins to regress. And when it stays in the veins, it presses against their walls with increasing pressure, causing them to stretch and permanently deform. The effects of this can be seen with the naked eye. They form unsightlyvaricose veins- blue, winding bumps just under the skin.
Symptoms accompanying venous insufficiency
First, as the day goes on, you get the feeling of heavy legs. It is accompanied by swelling around the ankles, calf cramps, numbness, burning sensation and itching of the skin. At this stage, the disease can be stopped. If you do not do this, a mesh of dilated capillaries (spider veins) will appear on the legs, they will be annoyedswellingand varicose veins will form.
Untreated varicose veins lead to inflammation of the subcutaneous tissue and the development of ulcers . They promote the formation of blood clots and thrombophlebitis, which can lead to serious pulmonary embolism. Some factors contributing to the development of varicose veins are beyond our control: age (the veins become less flexible with age) or gender (women are more at risk). However, the wrong lifestyle and bad habits are also responsible for the changes in the veins. It is worth changing them to ensure he alth for many years.
Diseases favorable to varicose veins
These include: knee arthritis, tumors and inflammation of the uterus and ovaries, any tumors of the abdominal cavity that impair blood outflow, inflammatory bowel diseases, nephrotic syndrome, hormonal disorders from the thyroid gland, diabetes. And also: congenital defects of the valves of the veins, major proceduressurgical (especially in the area of the abdominal cavity, pelvis and legs), injuries (fractures of the pelvis and long bones of the legs).
Factors that influence the formation of varicose veins
OVERWEIGHT AND OBESITY. Unnecessary kilograms increase the load on the legs. More blood has to flow through the vessels, and under greater pressure, and the fragile veins cannot always cope with this. Abdominal obesity is dangerous, because the excess body fat in these parts hinders circulation.
LONG STANDING AND SITTING. If you work standing up or sit at your desk for eight hours, the blood has difficulty getting to your heart, and your leg muscles are not working, so the risk of blood stagnation in your veins increases. Therefore, when you have been standing for a long time, shift from foot to foot, climb on your toes, do a few sit-ups. If you are sitting, take a walk from time to time, move your legs under the desk (e.g. climb on your toes, shake them, walk in place, roll your feet in circles). Also, make sure you have a comfortable chair - the weight of the body should be on the buttocks, not on the thighs. Place a footrest under the desk and rest your straight legs on it (do not cross them). Do not cross leg or sit on curled legs. Instead of using the elevator, take the stairs.
HIGH TEMPERATURE. Due to the heat, the veins widen and the blood flows more slowly towards the heart, which favors its retention. So do not overdo it with sunbathing (in the sun, in a solarium), avoid hot baths, mud compresses, do not go to the sauna, do not use hot waxing.
OVERLOADING SPORTS. Movement is great for the veins, as long as it is not too strenuous. So avoid long hours of cycling, hiking, long runs. The veins are also not used for strength exercises, such as lifting weights, because they cause an excessive increase in pressure in the abdominal cavity, compressing the vessels located there, and thus preventing the free flow of blood. If you are prone to varicose veins, horse riding, mountain climbing
(especially with a heavy backpack), tennis, squash is also inadvisable.
HIGH HEELS. Leave the heels for special occasions, because too high a heel (over 5 cm) completely changes the dynamics of gait: the foot muscles do not work and the activity of the calf muscles is limited (the so-called . bird gait). On the other hand, too narrow toes impede blood circulation in the foot.
PREGNANCY AND BIRTH. During the first pregnancy, every fourth woman begins to have problems with varicose veins (not only of the legs, but also of the anus - hemorrhoids) and every second in the next. They arise when a valve in the groin is malfunctioning - if it does not close properly, the blood backs up and the femoral vein widens. This is because the pressure in the pregnant woman's belly is high.In addition, in future mothers, the volume of blood increases (by about 2 liters) and the circulatory system must contain it somehow. If the pregnant woman does not walk or exercise, the varicose veins are almost certain.
HORMONAL THERAPY. The contraceptive pill, like HRT, may contribute to the development of varicose veins (hormones weaken the structure of the vessel walls). Therefore, before the gynecologist prescribes the preparation, tell him about your symptoms related to venous insufficiency.
CIGARETTES. Nicotine accelerates the destruction of blood vessel walls, contributes to the narrowing of the veins and their calcification. When you smoke, your risk of blood clots also increases.
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