How to deal with the prolonged winter and give yourself energy? We all know that the lack of sun negatively affects our well-being. What can we do about it so as not to get chilly and depressed by the prolonged winter and constant overcast?
Fromchandrytodepressionfar away but many people irritatingprolonged wintermay feel depressed, sad and irritable. We have to wait patiently into spring, but there are a few things we can do to improve our mood.
This will be useful to youPsychotest: Are you burned out?
How to deal with the blues due to the prolonged winter?
1. Consider if your mood has actually been spoiled just by the weather? Or maybe you are facing a stressful event, or something has been going wrong for a long time? First try to find out about other reasons for your chandra, because not everything can be blamed on the weather.
2. Allow yourself some small pleasures. Plan something nice for your heart every day - a moment with a book, a nice dinner, going to the gym, swimming pool, date, coffee with friends. It's best not to sit idle at home.
3. Try to surround your home with bright colors - a white tablecloth, a bouquet of yellow or white flowers, a blanket and pillows in bright colors will immediately brighten the room. Remember to reveal the windows. Even on a cloudy day, a bit of daylight, which your body is so thirsty for, will enter your home.
4. Invest in a light therapy lamp or… a fireplace. More about light therapy: LIGHT THERAPY.
5. Add St. John's wort teas or tablets to your diet. Scientists have confirmed the positive effect of infusions of this herb on our mood.
6. Don't avoid exercise. Regular exercise will not only improve your condition in the spring, but also your mood.
7. Smile for no reason or… think about smiling. Also recall the moments when you did something that you really like. Summon these moments by carefully replicating every detail.
8. Eat chocolate with a cocoa content of over 70%. Just not too much … 3 cubes a day is enough.
9. Plan a romantic evening.Intoxicating moments with a loved one can improve the mood even on the most rainy day.
10. Eat foods containing vitamins B, D, magnesium and omega-3 fatty acids, such as vegetables, fruit and fish.
Chandra, is it depression already? Take the test!
If you agree with most of the following, you should consider consulting a psychlogist. Your seasonal chandra can turn into a depressive episode.
1. I have no energy.
2. I have black thoughts all day and sometimes even thoughts of suicide.
3. I don't feel worth anything.
4. I still feel tired.
5. I have unjustified guilt.
6. I feel of no use to anyone.
7. I feel like crying for no reason.
8. I don't want to get up in the morning, wash, eat. My daily duties bore me.
9. I lost my appetite completely.
10. I have no strength for anything.
11. I don't feel up to making any decisions right now.
12. I cannot concentrate on the simplest activities.
13. Thinking about the future makes me scared.
14. I'm still sad for no apparent reason.
15. Nothing makes me happy.
This will be useful to youHerbs and plants with a calming and antidepressant effect
Hops, rosehip, St. John's wort, fennel, lavender, linden, garden marjoram, rosemary, celery, evening primrose, potato, Siberian ginseng.