Pimples appear very often at the wings and in the nostrils. In the morning I feel something, my skin itches, and after 5-6 hours a mature, purulent pimple appears. What is a cause of it? I don't have any problems with the skin of my face, sometimes something on my chin will appear.

Hello, The face is a reflection of what is happening in the body, and above all in our internal organs. The counterparts of the lungs, spleen, pancreas, gall bladder, liver, intestines, etc. are located on it. Any changes on our face may indicate a disturbed functioning of one of the organs. Your sign may suggest that your liver is unable to process what you throw into it. It is a signal that we finally need to be interested in what we eat and drink. Maybe you are allergic to one of the ingredients of a given food and you do not know about it, and the liver defends itself in this way? Maybe you have bronchial problems? And do you often catch a cold? Drink plenty of still water to cleanse the body of toxins. It is good to introduce antimicrobial foods into your diet, such as apples, cabbage, beets, carrots, cumin, dill, onions, and yoghurt. Try to include at least one of the ingredients on your menu, your complexion will improve very quickly. Regards.

Remember that our expert's answer is informative and will not replace a visit to the doctor.

Ewa Morawska

Master of SKHM Seichim and Reiki, energotherapist and healer, life counselor. Reception in Marki (Lisi Jar 12 estate, mobile phone 0 501 076 298)

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