Shaken Baby Syndrome (SBS) is a type of damage to the brain and spine resulting from the violent shaking and hitting of an infant or toddler on the head. However, even when playing with a child: by tossing or rocking it intensely, it can be unknowingly harmed. What are the symptoms of shaken baby syndrome and how can I prevent shaken baby syndrome?
What is Shaken Baby Syndrome?
Shaken baby syndrome(SBS) is a form of child abuse that involves violently shaking and / or hitting an infant or toddler on the head. The consequence of this type of violence may be significant damage not only to the brain, but also to the neck and spine, which often leads to disability or even death of the child (it is estimated that this happens in about 20% of cases).
Injuries caused by shaking a baby usually occur in children under 2 years of age, but can also occur in children up to 5 years of age. According to American research, approximately 60% of children diagnosed withshaken baby syndromeare boys.
This type of violence against children occurs most often in families with a poor socioeconomic status. It is estimated that, in most cases, the perpetrators are men - usually the child's father or the mother's partner. Babysitters are responsible for about 15-20% of cases. It also happens that mothers, especially those with postpartum depression, also commit violence against a child. The most common cause of aggression is the crying of the baby.
Shaken baby syndrome - causes. Why does shaking my baby cause brain damage?
Babies and toddlers have a disproportionately large and heavy head that makes up 1/4 of the body (1/8 in adults). The muscles that are responsible for its stabilization, as well as the cervical spine, are poorly developed. In addition, young children have ungrown fontanels, delicate blood vessels in the brain, and a high water content in brain structures that is softer than adult brains. Therefore, when shaking the baby, when its head is rapidly moving back and forth, the brain moves within the intracranial space, ruptures blood vessels and damages orcomplete destruction of brain cells. The retina of the eye and the cervical spine can also be damaged. It is estimated that only 5 seconds of vigorous shaking is enough to create this type of damage.
CHECK>>Crying a baby: how to cope with it? The symptoms of shaken baby syndromedepend on the intensity and duration of shaking as well as the strength of the impact. The accompanying symptoms are usually: As a result of repeated trauma to the brain, the child becomes lethargic, irritable and lethargic. Respiratory disturbances and problems with the circulatory system may appear. The appetite is reduced and the sucking and swallowing reflexes are disturbed. Sometimes vomiting is also an accompanying symptom. Ww. symptoms indicate mild to moderate injury. Very serious symptoms of SBS include epileptic seizures, coma, and dissociative stupor (one of the reactions to psychological shock involving a drastic restriction of movement while maintaining awareness). Treatment of a sick child depends on the severity of the injury. In severe cases, when a hematoma has formed, surgery is required. Shaken baby syndrome often means irreversible damage, such as partial or complete blindness, hearing loss, developmental delay, speech and learning difficulties, and mental retardation. You should not shake your baby in your arms. Support his head and neck and do not make any sudden movements. Suddenly lifting a baby off the ground may also contribute to microdamage to the baby's brain. Some parents have the habit of dropping their baby off when they are playing. Then, unknowingly, they can lead to serious damage to his brain. The stroller in which the child is placed should not be rocked excessively. Light rocking is recommended to soothe the baby.Shaken baby syndrome - symptoms
The classic triad of SBS symptoms are:
Shaken Baby Syndrome - treatment
Tossing a child can also damage the brain