The monthly baby learns to adapt. A newborn baby slowly adapts to new conditions outside the mother's body, and parents learn to care for him. 1 month of life is a time of many changes for a child. The development of a newborn baby proceeds very quickly because almost all of its senses are stimulated to work. How does the monthly baby develop and how should it be looked after?
Wthe first month of lifea newborn learns to live in completely new conditions. On this side of the belly, everything has a different dimension: space, sounds, and even the presence of mom and dad. Therefore, a child during this period needs a lot of understanding and support. It is worth knowing what gives him a sense of security.
What does the monthly baby like?
Here are the most important aspects of a baby's life that make it feel safe:
Closeness of parents
Take your baby in your arms often, cuddle and pet it. Your body heat, tender touch and the familiar heartbeat make him feel safe.
Soft sounds
Talk to the baby quietly and calmly. Your prenatal voice is soothing to them. The newborn also likes music that is pleasing to the ear.
Gentle rocking
Gently rock your baby in your arms, pram, cradle or a sling. Rocking them calms them down, because it reminds them of the time when it was in mom's belly.
Cozy place to sleep
In the first weeks, put your toddler to sleep in a pram or cradle with fabric sides. Such a nest reminds a newborn baby of the cramped interior of his mother's belly.
Why is the monthly baby crying?
Crying is the only way for babies to let their parents know they need something. Since it takes practice to understand what's going on, a cheat sheet will come in handy first. The baby cries most often when:
He's hungry
A newborn cannot eat a lot at once, so his belly quickly becomes empty. If you take your little one in your arms and he opens his mouth and turns his head to look for a breast or a nipple, it's a sign that he is hungry and needs to be fed.
I want to suck
A small baby has a great need to suckle. This gives him relief. If a naturally fed infant calls for breast almost continuously, afed with modified milk, often sucks a fist, you can reach for the soother.
She is tired and sleeping
A newborn baby cannot cope with an excess of stimuli and if there is a lot going on around him, he is tired. Take care of the peace at home and the constant rhythm of the day. When your baby is complaining of tiredness, lull him to sleep.
Teasing him hot
The body's thermoregulation mechanism is not yet mature and the baby does not handle excess heat well. Touch the baby's neck. If it's hot and sweaty, wear a thinner coat for your toddler.
Something is bothering him
The baby has very delicate skin. Even a slight irritation can cause him discomfort. Check for a dirty diaper or the label of the clothes.
Misses my parents
Babies need physical proximity to mum and dad. If you think your baby is crying for no reason, pick him up and hug him. If the little one stops talking, that's probably what it was about.
How to feed a monthly baby?
Pediatricians recommend that you feed your baby on demand. This means that you should latch your baby to the breast or give him a bottle as often as requested. It can be difficult, especially for breastfeeding mothers.
Their babies in the first weeks of life can demand breasts even several times a day. This is because the baby is just learning to suckle effectively.
If you are breastfeeding , don't worry about not having enough milk. Its production is adapted to the needs of the infant and grows with them. Just put your baby on the breast when he wants to and be patient.
When your baby swells, she won't be demanding a feed every now and then. If you have problems latching your baby to the breast or you are worried that your baby is not eating, contact a lactation clinic.
If you bottle-feed , your baby will usually request 7-8 times a day. This is because formula milk is more caloric than breast milk and the baby takes longer to digest it. Plus, sucking on a nipple on a bottle is easier than on a breast, and your baby can handle it well.
A he althy newborn born on time should receive a mixture marked with the number 1, i.e. starting milk. If you have questions about milk selection or bottle-feeding techniques, please consult your pediatrician.
How to care for a monthly baby?
Baby's skin is thin and very sensitive, therefore its care must be particularly gentle.
Use mild cosmetics
These should be formulas intended for babies fromfirst days of life, preferably from the same series. However, remember that even they can be irritating. If you notice that your baby's skin is red or dry, change the line of cosmetics you use.
Take care of the baby's navel
Each time you scroll, gently wipe the umbilical cord stump with a cotton swab soaked in 70% spirit (available at the pharmacy). Be careful not to irritate the skin. The stump should fall off after approx. 14 days. If you notice any redness, consult your doctor.
Prevent chafing
Use good quality, absorbent diapers. Change your baby frequently. The skin under a dirty diaper is exposed to the irritating effect of urine and feces. Every time you change your hair, thoroughly wash and dry your intimate parts, and then apply a chafing cream on them.
How to support the development of a monthly baby?
While lifting the baby and holding her in your arms, gently support her head.The baby cannot hold its head up yetbecause its muscles and nervous system are not mature yet. In the first days after birth, when placed on the stomach, it is able to raise its head only for a moment. Place them on your tummy a few times a day to help them exercise.
A newborn baby has poor eyesight.The monthly baby is color blind , only seeing black, white and shades of gray. He can clearly see only what is within 20-30 of his eyes and cannot focus his eyesight. Therefore, often take your baby in your arms and bend over him when he is lying in the crib. This way, it will see you well and will soon start to recognize you. Watching parents' faces is also a good training for a toddler to focus his eyesight.
Talk to your baby a lot in a calm, gentle voice. The toddler will quickly start reacting to him, and this is the first step towards understanding.
How much does a monthly baby sleep?
A newborn baby sleeps 15-20 hours a day , although parents usually find it hard to believe. They do not notice the short naps that a toddler takes during the day, e.g. at the breast, but at night they feel painfully waking up to breastfeeding. The problem is that the newborn does not distinguish between day and night, and has yet to learn. You can help him with that.
Make sure that the house is quiet and peaceful in the evening. Always try to bathe your baby at the same time. A daily routine will help him understand the circadian rhythm. And a warm, pleasant bath will help you relax. These are often effective ways to help your baby sleep well.
Be prepared for the fact that the night wake-up calls will not be so soon. Because in the first months of life, the baby also needs to be fed innight. Therefore, during the day, use every free moment to rest. When the baby falls asleep, take a nap too. If you are breastfeeding, do it lying down. Just place the baby against the wall.
Monthly baby - how to deal with infant colic?
Loud crying that suddenly appears in the third or fourth week of life may be a symptom of colic. This severe tummy pain plagues many babies in their first few months. Then the toddler screams loudly, curling his legs. His tummy is hard and tight. Infant colic usually attacks in the late afternoon or evening.
It is not known what causes this ailment. The most common suspects are gas accumulating in the intestines and fatigue with an excess of sensations.
After each feeding, lift your baby upright for a while (remember to support the head) to make him buckle. In this way, he will get rid of air bubbles swallowed while sucking on the breast or bottle. Make sure there is not much confusion in the baby's life. Calmness and a steady rhythm of the day are often the best recipes for colic.
Some children find relief from a gentle tummy massage during a colic attack. For others, lying on your stomach on your mom's or dad's body helps. You can also try an over-the-counter colic remedy. There is a large selection of them in pharmacies.
- 2-month-old baby - development, he alth, nutrition in the 2nd month of the baby's life
- Spilling milk in an infant
- Newborn - What Mom and Baby Must Learn
Monthly baby usually:
- placed on the stomach raises its head for a few seconds,
- can focus on their parents' faces,
- reacts to mom's and dad's voices.
What should worry?
Consult the pediatrician when infant:
- does not look towards the light,
- does not respond to parental voices,
- has a weak sucking reflex, unable to grasp the breast or the nipple of the bottle.
Signs that the child should be examined by a doctor are also marked tremors, persistent asymmetry of the body and peculiar positioning of the hands.