Jackfruit (jackfruit) is the largest fruit growing on the tree. It comes from India and is commonly found in tropical climates. Jackfruit is one of the caloric fruits, but at the same time it contains many valuable vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, thanks to which it has a he alth-promoting effect. It can regulate blood sugar levels, support the cardiovascular system and even protect against cancer. Jackfruit is used both in desserts and in main courses. According to the latest trends, jackfruit is used as a meat substitute because, when properly prepared, it resembles its taste, appearance and texture.
Jackfruit(jackfruit, the fruit of the loaf tree) is the fruit of a tree called jackfruit, which grows mainly in areas of Asia with a tropical, rainy climate. He is native to India and is often found in streets, parks and home gardens in Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Burma, Thailand and Indonesia.
Its international name derives from the word "chakka", which in the Indian dialect of Malayalam is the name of Jakfrut. In India, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia and Brazil, jackfruit is grown for its fruit, seeds and wood that is similar in color to mahogany. In India, jackfruit is considered to be the food of the poorest social class.
It is cheap and is often an important element of summer meals. The loaf tree grows between 10 and 30 meters high and bears the largest fruit in the world. The fruit is oval in shape, weighing up to 50 kg and up to 1 meter in length, but its average weight is 10 kg. Jackfruit grows directly from the trunk of the tree, not from branches that would not support this weight.
Edible is both the sticky flesh, which is divided inside with membranes similar to the orange, and the large seeds. The skin is very hard, covered with blunt spines, and a sharp tool is needed to open the fruit. Unripe jackfruit is green, while when ripe, it turns dark yellow or light brown and gives off a strong, fruity fragrance.
Jackfruit: nutritional values
Jackfruit provides 94 kcal per 100 g and is one of the most caloric fruits. Like other fruits, it is high in carbohydrates - 24 g per 100 g,hardly provides protein and fat. It is a source of dietary fiber (2 g / 100 g).
Thanks to the presence of lignans and gums, it stimulates the perist altic movements of the intestines and regulates the rhythm of bowel movements. A good source of protein is the edible apron seeds, which contain 6.8 percent protein as well as 11.4 percent fat, making them a valuable meat substitute for a vegetarian diet.
The fruits themselves provide significant amounts of vitamin A, vitamin C, thiamine (vitamin B1), riboflavin (vitamin B2) and niacin, as well as minerals: calcium, iron, manganese, magnesium, potassium and zinc. Jackfruit is one of the few fruits that contains more potassium than bananas.
The taste of jackfruit is compared to combining a banana with a pineapple.
Thanks to this, it helps to maintain the electrolyte balance in the body and prevents fluid retention in the intercellular spaces, as well as reduces the impact of stress and mental fatigue.
Jackfruit are also a source of flavonoids and other antioxidant polyphenolic compounds, tannins, sterols and carotenoids. Thanks to the rich composition of jackfruit, it has antibacterial, blood pressure lowering, anti-cancer and anti-aging effects.
Jackfruit - nutritional values and calories (per 100 g)
Calories |
94 kcal |
Water |
73.2 g |
Carbohydrates |
24 g |
Fiber |
1.6 g |
Protein |
1.5 g |
Fat |
0.3 g |
Vitamin A |
297 IU (6 percent of the RDA) |
Vitamin C |
6.7 mg (11 percent) |
Vitamin B1 |
0.05 mg (2 percent) |
Vitamin B2 |
0.1 mg (6 percent) |
Niacin |
0.4 mg (2 percent) |
Vitamin B6 |
0.1 mg (5 percent) |
Folic acid |
14 g (3 percent) |
Calcium |
34 mg (3 percent) |
Iron |
0.6 mg (3 percent) |
Magnesium |
37 mg (9 percent) |
Phosphorus |
36 mg (4 percent) |
Potassium |
303 mg (9 percent) |
Sodium |
3 mg (0 percent) |
Zinc |
0.4 mg (3 percent) |
Copper |
0.2 mg (9 percent) |
Selenium |
0.6 μg (1 percent) |
Manganese |
0.2 mg (10 percent) |
Unripe jackfruit contain trypsin inhibitors, anti-nutritional compounds that can cause digestive difficulties, cause abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. Thermal treatment inactivates these enzymes. People who are allergic to birch pollen should be careful when consuming jackfruit, because the fruit may cause an allergic reaction in them.
Jackfruit: healing properties
Jackfruit arouses the interest of the scientific community due to the rich composition of bioactive phytochemicals, which is responsible for its he alth-promoting potential. Some of the he alth benefits attributed to it require more careful research, but consuming jackfruit can certainly benefit your he alth. Loaf Tree Fruit:
regulates blood glucose levels
One of the causes of too high blood sugar levels may be manganese deficiency, of which jackfruit is a very good source. Preliminary research studies show that taking jackfruit extract before meals reduces the postprandial rise in blood sugar in people with diabetes. Jackfruit extracts are used in India and Sri Lanka to treat diabetes and pre-diabetes.
supports the work of the circulatory system
The high potassium content in jackfruit affects the regulation of blood pressure and supports the functioning of the heart. The right dose of vitamin B6 and folic acid contained in fruits can reduce the risk of a heart attack by reducing the level of homocysteine - an amino acid toxic to the body, which is a risk factor for atherosclerosis.
supports digestion and prevents constipation
Especially valuable in this aspect are the seeds of the jackfruit, but the fruit itself is also a good source of fiber. The mucilages and lignans it contains support perist altic movements and regulate the rhythm of bowel movements.
can protect against osteoporosis
Jackfruit is a source of elements essential for strong bones - calcium and magnesium. In addition, the potassium contained in it prevents the excretion of calcium in the urine.
may have anti-tumor effects
Jackfruit is a source of numerous polyphenolic compounds and other antioxidants that neutralize free radicals, and thus protect against many diseases, incl. cancerous. There are no studies showing the exact effect of jackfruit in the treatment of a specific cancer, but the antioxidant ingredients it contains are known to do so.
can help prevent anemia
There is iron in jackfruit, a deficiency of which causes anemia, as well as vitamin C, which enables iron absorption.
has a positive effect on immunity
Fruits strengthen immunity thanks to the presence of vitamin C, magnesium and iron.
Jackfruit: use in the kitchen
Jackfruit seeds are baked like chestnuts, which also have a similar flavor.
Jackfruit is eaten raw and cooked, dried, candied, used for baking, preparing, among others. jams, juices, jellies, desserts, crisps. Only highly ripe jackfruit is suitable for eating raw. Otherwise, they should be boiled before consumption. Ripe fruit is mainly used in desserts. They are often served with a coconut. But when cooked, they are also used as a side dish with fish or meat and rice or soups. The unripe jackfruit is dried and ground into a powder, which is used as a spice or thickener in soups and sauces.
How to eat jackfruit?
in single pieces raw or in fruit salad;
as an ingredient in a cocktail of banana, coconut and honey, popular in India;
unripe is treated in India and Indonesia as a vegetable and added to dinner dishes;
roasted or baked seeds are a he althy snack, good after training;
seeds can be used as a substitute for pods, e.g. in curry.
Jackfruit as a vegan meat substitute
Jakfrut is gaining popularity as a meat substitute. The unripe fruit is heat-treated and properly seasoned, its taste and appearance resemble meat. For this reason, it is more and more often used by places serving, for example, vegan burgers.
It is also used to produce various kinds of sausages and served like a piece of meat in a sauce. Jackfruit cutlets are eagerly chosen by people who, for various reasons, do not want to or cannot eat meat, and cannot give up its taste. Remember that the flesh of the jackfruit contains almost no protein, so it cannot be treated as a source of protein in a vegetarian or vegan diet.
Where to buy jackfruit in Poland?
Fresh fruit can be bought without any problems in the USA. In Poland, we can only choose canned jackfruit (usually in sugar pickle) and dried, available in online stores. If we have the opportunity to buy fresh jacfruit, we need to pay attention to its color. Unripe is green and when ripe it quickly turns yellow and brown.
It also gives off an intense smell, it bends under the pressure of the thumb, and the spines on the skin soften and lose their sharpness. Jackfruit can be cut like watermelons, but it's better to peel it and remove the membranes one by one and remove the stone from the inside.
Due to their large size, fresh fruit is usually sold in pieces. After purchasing more, they can be stored for 3-10 days in the refrigerator and for about 2 months in the freezer.
Vazhacharickal P.J et al.,Chemistry and medicinal properties of jackfruit(Artocarpus heterophyllus) : a review on current status of knowledge,International Journal of Innovative Research and Review, 2015, 3 (2), 83-95
Jackfruit, raw Nutrition Facts & Calories, http://nutritiondata.self.com/facts/fruits-and-fruit-juices/1930/2
http: //www.botanical-online.com/english/jackfruit-medicinal_properties.htm
http: //www.botanical-online.com/english/Jackfruit-characteristics.htm
http: //www.webmd.com/vitamins-supplements/ingredientmono-1487-jackfruit.aspx? Activeingredientid=1487 & activeingredientname=jackfruit
https: //draxe.com/jackfruit/