The visor can be made at home, you just need to know how. It is a very cheap process, at least compared to the prices of the masks, which can be exorbitant. And I think everyone already has such masks at home, right? How to make a visor step by step? Take a look.
A dentist from Białystok, Adam Boczoń, showed how to make a protective helmet yourself. It is cheap (around 50 cents) and fast (a minute!). How to make a protective helmet yourself? It's simple.
Protective helmet - what you need:
- binding foil or rigid document sleeve
- haberdashery
- punch
Bend the foil properly and punch holes. Through them we thread a haberdashery elastic and tie it. Done.
The protective helmet can also be made from a workbook! But scissors and a stapler are also required here.
Below you will see a video and a dentist's guide. Now you can make the helmet yourself at home! How do you disinfect it? The visor should be wiped with a cloth soaked in a disinfectant.
The prices of helmets in stores may surprise you - they start from PLN 20.
- Read more:The helmet - where to buy, price, disinfection. A helmet instead of a mask
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