On the first date, it's better not to ask certain questions and not talk about certain things - just for your own good. Sometimes it will be better if you bite your tongue or change the subject. What not to talk about on a date? Here is a list of prohibited topics.
Don't ask for his ex
"What was his ex?" - this question almost always comes to a woman's head when she meets an interesting guy. After all, it's better to know which women our sweetheart likes … and which she leaves. However, it will be more tactful to spy on a partner on Facebook than to ask him about his ex-girlfriends directly. Nobody likes being exposed to their privacy with their shoes, and in the initial phase of the relationship it is almost uncultured. Leave questions about your partner's previous relationships for later, unless your partner starts confiding in you himself.
Don't tell about your ex
Your ex was a great guy? Keep these memories to yourself. There is nothing worse for a man than hearing stories about ex-partners, even if you portray them in a bad light. Your partner may think that because you've been talking about your previous relationship so much, you probably aren't ready for a new one just yet. Besides, guys hate competition. You should thank fate when, after such tirades in honor of your ex, your new partner wants to prove to you that he is better than the other. However, it's more likely that he won't see you again.
Don't talk about your failed relationships
A date is not the time to shed tears after a failed relationship, and a newly met man is not your friend to cry up on your sleeve. Telling about the harm done by previous partners and any traumatic relationships with men can only discourage him from establishing a deeper relationship. They will probably think that you are mentally weak and cannot cope with your own emotions, and you will treat any relationship as a therapy for your own traumas. He probably will not like the role of the psychologist-comforter.
Don't talk about your life plans with him in the lead role
Your partner is probably not interested in when you plan to get married, how many children you would like to have, where to live, how much to earn … Similarly, you should not ask about his plans for the coming years. Thisas if you want to find out if there are certain issues on your way to quickly consume this knowledge in front of the altar.
Don't talk about your problems
Do not complain about work, he alth and lack of money, do not feel sorry for life's failures, because you will look like an unhelpful malcontent who loves to burden others with her problems. You don't really know each other on your first date, so you'd better not share your personal problems with a stranger. Your partner may feel embarrassed that you boldly initiate him into your life.
Don't say you have your period
It couldn't get any worse: on your date, you had your period and you feel terrible. You're cranky and your words are razor-sharp. But well, the first date shouldn't be postponed. If your partner notices that you look uncomfortable, just say that you are feeling unwell, but in no way say that you are having your period! It's too intimate to talk about without embarrassment. With such a "confession" you reveal that you lack tact and refinement.
Don't talk about your love conquests
Boasting about the number of men broken up and hearts broken can only hurt you. If you think that by portraying yourself as a seasoned flirtatiously who can have anyone if he so wishes, you will arouse interest in a man, you are wrong. Not every man is impressed with such puppy acts. Any self-respecting guy will probably find you an immature party girl, not worth staying with for long. In such a situation you can be sure that you will not be able to add him to the group of your "booty".
Don't talk your friends over
Gossiping about your friends that he doesn't even know existed is like talking to yourself. What does he care if your friend is cheating on a guy? Not only will you bore him to death, but you will also come out as a person who lives the lives of others, because he has nothing to do himself.
Don't say you're looking for a man
The mere fact that you are going out on a date means that you are willing to develop a closer relationship with them. You both know this, so there's no reason to put your coffee on the bench. "I've been single for a long time and looking for a man" sounds like a desperate search for love. Your partner will feel pressed against the wall, and such pressure can only scare him away. If there is indeed something sparking between you, sooner or later you will be together. For now, wait patiently and don't rush anything.
Don't ask him how much he earns
Try to get the question: "What do you do?" it didn't sound like, "How much are you earning?" Of course, there's nothing wrong with that if you askpartner what he does, but the question of earnings is quite a tactic. Regardless of your intentions, you will give the impression of being money-loving and valuing people according to the contents of your wallet.
Don't say how you feel about him
The first date is definitely too early for a love confession. Even if your partner notices that you have caught your eye, don't say how you feel about him. Words can destroy the subtle bond you have managed to create with glances, gestures, and smiles.