Do you use your phone often and it starts to bother you? Do you feel that you spend more and more time wasting it in front of the screen, you neglect your hobbies, you don't have time to meet your friends? There are many reasons to limit the time spent in front of the phone screen, but everyone is good to limit it and start living life to the fullest.
One of the most important aspects in fighting the habit of persistent phone use is noticing the problem. Realizing that this is an ugly addiction that is stealing your time is almost half the battle. It is also worth mentioning that smartphones are distractions that can lead to a tragedy when we use the device while leading or crossing a pedestrian crossing.
Deciding to fight this habit takes preparation, patience, and motivation. In order for the goal to be achieved, you should be careful - instead of automatically taking your phone out of your trouser or purse pocket, first think about whether you really need it at the moment.
Remember that every habit requires consolidation and that it takes a minimum of 20 days of systematic implementation of new rituals to take root.
Here are 10 ways to get rid of the habit of using your phone