Work for many of us is of great value - we spend of our lives in it. We make every effort to properly perform our duties, gain the boss's recognition and to be able to ensure a decent living for our family. However, the lack of an appropriate balance between private and professional life may lead to the development of workaholism.

Why are we working more and more?

Why we stay at work after hours more and more often results from the individual situation of each of us. However, the most common reasons are:

  • life rush
  • willingness to escape from private troubles, the so-called "Running away to work"
  • loneliness
  • perfectionism
  • wrong determination to succeed

Signals that may indicate the development of workaholism are:

  • constantly thinking about work
  • no social or family life
  • frequent work "after hours", staying up late
  • insomnia
  • chronic fatigue
  • irritation
  • being always "on the phone"
