Black or dark stools may be a sign of blood in your stools. However, the dark color of stools can also be caused by diet. Usually, the black stool that should worry us also has a characteristic tarry consistency. What does the appearance of black feces mean?
Black stool- Can be dark, tarry, black both inside and out. The color of stools can tell a lot about our he alth. What doesstool black?Are there any concerns? Yes, as long as the black stool is also tarry. It must, ugly, pulling on it, it often sticks to the walls of the toilet bowl, is sticky and resembles tar. It indicates bleeding from the digestive system. Blood, which changes color under the influence of intestinal bacteria, makes it black.
Additionally, if it is very rare and not tarry, it indicates a hemorrhage. Blood accelerates intestinal peristalsis. In this case, you should consult your doctor as soon as possible and find out the cause and location of the bleeding. Usually, in this situation, pain or other symptoms of the digestive system appear. But one by one.
Black stoolcan occur as a result of consuming coloring foods - these include blueberries, blueberries, spinach, cherries, and beets. However, if we do not have a coloring diet, black tarry stool is an indication for consultation with a doctor, as it may herald various diseases of the digestive system. Black stools suggest that there is bleeding in the digestive tract.
Black stool - relationship with diet and more
But take it easy - as we have already said, black stool may be a result of your diet. The black color of the stool is influenced by:
- iron intake,
- use of medical charcoal,
- eating the above-mentioned products,
- taking bismuth,
- intestinal ischemia,
- incorrect structure of the veins.
Black stool - not after eating
However, if the stoolresembles tar- both in color and consistency, and also occurs independently of eating the above-mentioned foods, then gastrointestinal bleeding should be suspected. Blood stains feces black - the color of blood changesunder the influence of bacteria in the intestines.
Black feces require consultation with a doctor! Bleeding from the digestive system is a serious condition - the cause and place of bleeding should be identified as soon as possible.
Black, tarry stools may be caused by:
- peptic ulcer disease,
- esophageal varices,
- esophageal ulcer,
- rupture of the gastric mucosa,
- inflammatory bowel disease,
- cancer of the intestine, esophagus and stomach, or cancer of the duodenum,
- acute hemorrhagic gastropathy,
- Mallory-Weiss syndrome,
- acute pancreatitis,
- trauma.
Even a small amount of blood will turn your stools black. Remember that heavy gastrointestinal bleeding will causeblack diarrhea.Blood accelerates intestinal peristalsis. Black stools mixed with fresh blood may indicate gastritis.
Pregnant black stool
Pregnant women have their blood tested each month - also to determine iron levels. If there is too little of it, anemia develops and the expectant mother needs iron supplementation. As a result, the stool will have a black color, which is the body's reaction to iron preparations.
It should be remembered that during pregnancy the metabolism is slowed down and the expectant mother often struggles with constipation. If the problem is recurring, consult your doctor and change your diet, as it may contribute to the formation of hemorrhoids. If, however, fresh blood appears in the stool, it can be concluded that the hemorrhoids have just ruptured.
Black stool after alcohol
Alcohol damages the mucosa - ethanol damages enterocytes that line the walls of the stomach and small intestine, which in turn can lead to inflammation of the mucosa and black stool. Certain medications can also cause mucositis.
If you notice fresh blood in your stool, but the stool itself is normal, you may suspect:
- hemorrhoids,
- anal fissure.
Black stool - diagnosis
First, you should perform a stool test for occult blood in the stool. Then the primary care physician will refer us to a gastrologist who will perform further tests: colonoscopy, gastroscopy or rectoscopy. It is important to find out where the bleeding is.
Black stool - treatment
Black stool helps to make a diagnosis - it is a signal that something is wrong in the body. The doctor, depending on where the bleeding is from,determines the method of treatment. Surgical procedures to stop gastrointestinal bleeding are also possible.