Finasteride is a drug mainly used in the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia. According to statistical data, approximately 50% of men over 50 suffer from this condition. The number of patients increases with age, reaching even 80% after the age of 70. Although benign prostatic hyperplasia is the most common disease of the genitourinary system in men over 50 years of age, a large proportion of patients do not report this problem to their primary care physician.
Finasteride in action
Finasteride is an inhibitor of type II 5-alpha reductase, which is found mainly in the prostate gland and in genital cells. Blocked by finasteride, the enzyme is responsible for converting testosterone into its active form.
The etiology of prostatic hyperplasia is not fully understood. It is known, however, that the active form of testosterone is involved in this process, as this disease is not observed in men without testicles.
With age, the amount of estrogen in the male body increases, which stimulates the body to produce testosterone. The increased amount of the male hormone affects the cells of the prostate. The combination of a hormone with its receptor in the prostate forces the proliferation of cells, in other words the gland enlarges.
Some publications emphasize that additional factors favoring the growth of the prostate gland are:
- stress,
- chronic inflammation,
- hypertension,
- overweight
- and increased cholesterol.
The prostate gland is part of the male sex organs and its function is to produce the fluid that is part of the sperm. It is located just below the bladder, so the urethra emerging from the bladder runs right through the center of the prostate. So it is not difficult to imagine what the effect of enlarging this gland will be. The prostate begins to compress the urethra, causing a series of unpleasant symptoms that come from the lower urinary tract.
Narrowing of the urethra disrupts the free flow of urine. During voiding, a weak, intermittent stream of urine is observed, sometimes even as single drops. Additionally, the patient often feels incompleteempty the bladder.
In men with prostatic hypertrophy, bladder dysfunction is also observed. The overloaded bladder begins to weaken and as the disease progresses, the bladder muscles are unable to overcome the resistance of urethral stenosis. Urine begins to remain in the bladder, which may lead to an inflammatory process and bacterial infection.
It is also worth mentioning that the effect of finasteride reduces the density of the vascular network and the blood supply to the prostate, which also reduces the risk of hematuria in the patient as the disease progresses.
Indications for the use of finasteride
Finasteride is dedicated to patients with lower urinary tract problems and prostate hyperplasia. Finasteride is effective in both monotherapy and polytherapy. It reduces the size of the prostate gland, thereby improving urine flow and reversing the symptoms associated with prostatic hyperplasia.
Finasteride reduces the risk of acute urinary retention and the need for surgical intervention.
It should be remembered that due to the mechanism of action of the drug, its therapeutic effect is observed after a longer period of therapy. However, the efficacy of finasteride and its positive effect on disease progression has been proven.
Finasteride has also been used in the treatment of androgenic hair loss. The enzyme 5-alpha reductase is present in the hair follicles. Its increased activity in this localization causes miniaturization of the hair follicles and hair loss. The administration of finasteride in a lower dose than in the treatment of prostatic hypertrophy inhibits these processes.
Finasteride dosage
In the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia, the most recommended dose is 5 mg taken once a day. A meal does not affect the bioavailability of the drug, which in the case of finasteride is approximately 80%.
Undergoing treatment with finasteride does not relieve the patient from the obligation to regularly check with a doctor in order to assess the effectiveness of the treatment. Visits should take place every 6 months for finasteride, as its effects are protracted and only after a long period of time can the doctor assess the effectiveness of the treatment with confidence.
Contraindications to the use of finasteride
The use of this drug is contraindicated in pregnant and reproductive women, in children and in the case of hypersensitivity to any of the ingredients.
The reason why pregnant and lactating women cannot handle this drug is the risk of organ development disorderssexual intercourse of a male fetus or male child.
Warnings and drug interactions
Finasteride affects the blood test result for PSA - a specific prostate antigen. Lekten reduces the PSA value by up to 50 percent. Please inform your doctor when you see your doctor that you are taking finasteride as it falsifies the results of the above-mentioned test.
The Summary of Product Characteristics shows that finasteride does not cause drug interactions.
Side effects of finasteride
Finasteride is a drug considered to be well tolerated. The side effects mainly relate to sexual activity. They are quite unpleasant, but have been observed to be of a temporary nature. The most common of them are:
- impotence,
- lowering libido,
- ejaculation disorders,
- enlargement of the mammary glands,
- soreness of the mammary glands,
- reduced amount of semen after ejaculation,
- reducing the amount of sperm in the semen,
- gynecomastia.