A newly identified disease in children after COVID-19 is called PIMS or MIS-C. Symptoms usually appear 4 to 6 weeks after exposure to SARS-CoV-2. What is the Pocovid Syndrome that occurs in the youngest?
The Journal of the Amercian Heart Association reports that children with PIMS have returned to normal heart rate within three months.
PIMS also known as MIS-C ( multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children ) is a multi-system inflammatory syndrome associated with COVID-19 that occurs in children around 4 to 6 weeks after exposure to SARS-CoV-2.
How is PIMS manifested?
According to experts, the symptoms of this disease resemble Kawasaki syndrome, which belongs to the group of systemic inflammations of blood vessels. It causes inflammation in various parts of the body - the heart, lungs, kidneys and digestive tract. About 80-85 percent. diagnosed cases of PIMS in the United States and Europe concerned the left ventricle.
Pediatric cardiologist Dr. Anirban Banerjee of the Cardiac Center Hospital in Philadelphia noted that "currently available data is limited on how often and for how long we should monitor cardiac function after PIMS in a child who has left hospital."
This disease has been identified during the COVID-19 pandemic, so the treatment process has yet to be standardized. - For this reason, follow-up care varies greatly, which can lead to confusion and anxiety among patients' families and their care team. Tips on optimal care are to be provided, particularly with regard to sports, the doctor added.
Dr. Anirban Banerjee and his colleagues reviewed the echocardiographic and clinical data of approximately 60 children who were hospitalized for PIMS. They have been treated with intravenous immunoglobulin and / or systemic steroids. During the analysis, they also took into account demographic factors, tests and the course of treatment. The little patients came from a variety of ethnic minorities. The group of participants consisted of 60 percent. from boys (average age 10).
To the group of the so-called In the control, the researchers passed 60 children who had a heart with a normal structure andhave not been exposed to PIMS or COVID-19.
The course of the study
Children with PIMS have undergone a series of tests using diagnostic imaging methods (including cardiac echo, macular echocardiography and magnetic resonance imaging). From the results, the researchers concluded that both the systolic and diastolic function of the left ventricle and the systolic function of the right ventricle improved sharply in the first week. Further improvement and complete normalization took place within three months.
81 percent patients lost some left ventricular systolic function in the acute phase of PIMS disease. However, she returned to normal after three and four months. As reported by scientists, 7 percent. children during hospitalization had signs of heart failure. However, all scans were correct after three months.
Children's hearts return to normal quickly after COVID-19
According to scientists, the PIMS disease did not cause permanent abnormalities in the coronary arteries.
- The results have important implications for he alth care teams working with children with PIMS. Our discovery may also provide clues for gradual return to sports after the heart has subsided three to four months later. You need an electrocardiogram and an echocardiogram. We also recommend that children who have a highly abnormal acute MRI from the baseline or show signs of persistent severe left ventricular dysfunction, explained Dr. Anirban Banerjee.
Dr. Kevin G. Friedman, associate professor of paediatrics at Harvard Medical School, also commented on the latest research reports. In his opinion, additional evidence was provided that "myocardial involvement is transient and may not lead to long-term abnormalities in left ventricular diastolic or systolic function." The data obtained show that permanent heart damage is very rare in PIMS.