We are starting 100 days of solidarity that will help us survive the next months. The situation is still very serious. The virus is still taking its death toll - said Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki at today's press conference on the restrictions and further actions of the government regarding the COVID-19 epidemic.
- We must be humble.Our weapons are sanitation and solidarity . 100 days of solidarity, and at the end, which is highly probable, a vaccine will be available - added the Prime Minister.
Comprehensive action plan for the coming time: ➡️ Responsibility phase (from November 28 to December 27) ➡️ Stabilization phase (from December 28 at the earliest, if the average number of cases drops) pic.twitter.com/BqziTNnMZh- Kancelaria Premiera (@PremierRP) November 21, 2022
- We recommend that you spend Christmas as little as possible, with those we live with. In order not to move between cities - he said. -We do not plan trips and large family gatherings.We are working on legal possibilities that will limit movement during the Christmas season. Please do not book anything in Austria, Switzerland or Poland - he emphasized.
- From next Sunday, retail outlets will only be able to operate under the highest sanitary regime - said Morawiecki.
The government has decided that the schools will be closed until December 23-24, and the holidays will be cumulated from January 4 to 17.
- There is a chance thatfirst vaccines will be released from January 18- he announced.
Vaccinations against coronavirus: ✅ the government is in constant contact with the pharmaceutical companies working on the vaccine, ✅ people at risk will be vaccinated first, ✅ the vaccine will be available to everyone on a voluntary basis. pic.twitter.com/LFiOIAlFlN- Kancelaria Premiera (@PremierRP) November 21, 2022
The prime minister ended his speech with the hope that 2022 will be a much better year than the one leaving.
"Human life is at stake"
During the conference, Jarosław Gowin, the vice-president of the Council of Ministers, spoke, saying that "Christmas is a special time, butwe should spend it only with our loved ones ". - That's alldepends on ourselves. - It is a time of hope, but also a difficult time - how many families will avoid the drama related to the loss of jobs, how many companies will survive? - added.
- This is a difficult, but very well-thought-out, precise and realistic plan for reducinglosses related to the epidemic - admitted the Deputy Prime Minister. In his speech, he stressed that "human life is at stake in this fight". "The lives of many of us have the he alth of hundreds of thousands of people, but there are also jobs, hundreds of thousands or even millions, that would be at risk if we did not apply the rigors," he admitted.
Deputy Prime Minister @Jaroslaw_Gowin in KPRM: It is a difficult, but well-thought-out, realistic plan. Its success depends on solidarity, on the commitment of each of us. Success in this plan requires tremendous discipline, with lives at stake and hundreds of thousands of jobs. pic.twitter.com/SzPdR20Tte- Kancelaria Premiera (@PremierRP) November 21, 2022
As the Minister of He alth Adam Niedzielski said that " predictability and transparency- these are the assumptions of the new plan for the next three weeks." - If the daily number of cases drops below 15,000, we will return to the rules in the red zone, if below 10,000, to the yellow zone, if below 4,000, to the green zone - he stressed.
Head of the Ministry of He althdoes not rule out a pessimistic scenariothe so-called national quarantine, i.e. full lockdown. This vision could come true if the number of infections reached a constant (several days) level of 27,000. infections.
Thresholds of safety rules stages ⬇️ pic.twitter.com/teygbcDbDe- Kancelaria Premiera (@PremierRP) November 21, 2022