Guardians of Weight is an American movement that promotes sensible weight loss. The diet he recommends does not promise you a quick effect, but a gradual loss of weight. In addition, the Libra Guardian diet, also known as the point diet, is he althy, balanced and you don't need to starve yourself.
The Weight Keepers Dietwas created for those who do not want to countcalories . It is not only a diet, it is also a he alth promoting lifestyle. The diet is low in calories but safe. Its calorific value ranges from 1,250 to 1,750 kcal per day.
Rules of the Weight Rangers' diet in the past and today
They are close to the principles of he althy eating. The authors of the diet do not guarantee a decrease in a specific number of kilograms over a certain period of time. However, they ensure that by sticking to the rules, you can lose approx. 10 percent. starting weight in 3 months. A few years ago, the basis of this diet was the division of products into three groups: green, yellow and red. It was important to combine a certain number of servings from each group. Now each product is assigned a point value, and the maximum number of points that can be consumed is allocated based on age, gender, weight, and height.
Losing weight with points
The value of a full board for a person weighing 71-80 kg is 20 points. Every day you can "save for rainy day" up to 4 points. They will be useful if we are going to a party. However, they should only be used up within the next week. So you can't save a whole month and then go crazy. The number of points assigned to a given product depends on its calorific value and fat content. Points are awarded in a similar way as colors used to be. There are fruits and vegetables in the green group with 0 points. For this reason, there are no quantitative restrictions. The exceptions are corn, beans and peas, while fruit - avocados and bananas. The green group also includes fresh (unsweetened!) Vegetable and fruit juices. In the yellow group there are products that are quite caloric and low in fat. They have an average of 2 points. These include: potatoes, lean meats, fish, bread, low-fat dairy products, peas, corn. Dairy products should be eaten at least 2 times a day, vegetable fats 2-3 times a day. Products from the red group are best avoided, or you can afford 6 of themservings during the week. This group includes sweets, sweetened homogenized cheese and fruit yoghurts, fatty meat, cold meats, canned food, breaded fish fillets, processed cheese, and alcohol.
Pros of the diet:
Limiting sweet and fatty foods, avoiding alcohol and sweets are undoubted advantages. It is important that you do not need to count calories. You should eat 4-5 times a day and drink approx. 2 liters of fluids (preferably mineral water or fruit teas). The diet is rich in vegetables and fruits, fish, lean dairy products. Regularity of meals is important. The guards also warn against eating fast food.
Disadvantages of the diet:
You have to convert products into points (but it is made easier by a special converter).