The 1500 calorie diet is varied and allows you to eat to your heart's content. The daily menu consists of five meals designed to provide the body with the necessary nutrients. You can rest easy, a 1,500 calorie diet is a he althy way to lose weight.

The 1,500-calorie dietprovides the body with the necessary nutrients, while maintaining the right balance between carbohydrates,proteinandfat . When using a 1500 kcal diet, be patient, because the loss of unnecessary kilograms is a slow process, but gives long-lasting effects. By following these recommendations and including moderate exercise (30 minutes daily), you can expect to lose 1/2 to 2 kg per week. Since the diet provides all the nutrients, it can be used for a long time by any he althy adult. Men, people who are very obese or who perform heavy physical work will lose weight without harming the body.

Basic rule of the 1500 calorie diet: eat often and not enough

The diet is based on 5 regular, low-volume meals, eaten 3-4 hours apart, with dinner at least 3 hours before going to bed.

The quality of what you eat is also important. Each main meal (breakfast, lunch and dinner) should contain a portion of vegetables, a product that provides wholesome protein and carbohydrate. Smaller meals (lunch and afternoon tea) are to reduce hunger, so they can only consist of a carbohydrate or dairy product (e.g. yoghurt, buttermilk, cottage cheese, fruit). The most calorific first breakfast and lunch will give you energy for the first and second half of the day. A slightly lighter dinner will ensure a good night's sleep, while a second breakfast and afternoon tea will calm hunger.

By following the recommendations of the 1500 kcal diet, you provide the body with 77 g of protein, 208 g of carbohydrates, 42 g of fat, about 25 g of dietary fiber to improve the functioning of the intestines and a portion of essential vitamins and minerals.

What you can eat and what better avoid with the 1500 calorie diet

If you want to smoothly change your eating habits, start by restricting sugar and s alt. Their excess leads not only to obesity, but also to the development ofhypertension .It takes time to get used to sweetening and s alting food, but it's not that hard. Within a few weeks, everyone is able to completely exclude sugar and s alt from the menu with small steps. Fatty meats (pork, mutton, duck), offal and meat products (pates, canned food), fatty meats, as well as ready-made meals from jars, cans or bags (one serving contains even a daily dose of sodium) must also disappear from the diet. Instead, the table should be filled with fish, good-quality beef, veal and poultry.

When preparing your dishes, forget about breading and frying. Stewing, steaming, grilling and baking in foil make the dishes not only easy to digest, but also richer in nutrients. Potatoes should be replaced with thick groats (e.g. buckwheat) or wholemeal noodles every other day. Also, replace light bread with wholemeal bread, which is a source of not only dietary fiber, but also many B vitamins. Replace full-fat dairy products with lean ones, yellow cheese with white, and all fruit yoghurts, kefirs or buttermilk with their counterparts without the addition of fruit and sugar. Choose vegetable fats over animal fats. Add rapeseed oil or olive oil to the salads. Between meals, remember to drink mineral water (at least 2 liters a day) or green, red, fruit and herbal tea. Coffee is also allowed, but with milk (2% fat at the most) and not cream.

What are the effects of the 1500 calories diet

Despite the strict adherence to the 1500 kcal diet, after several weeks (this is an individual matter) you will reach the point where the weight stops at a certain level and will not want to drop. Why? First, as you lose weight, your body's energy requirements for maintaining vital functions decline and it burns less and less body fat. Secondly, the body slows down the metabolism and the digestive process by defending itself against the loss of energy reserves. This is a very difficult moment in losing weight. It is then easy to reach for chocolate or your favorite cookie for comfort, and then, silencing your conscience, skip a valuable meal. This way, it's easy to fall into a vicious circle. The diet would then become not very nutritious, the condition of the skin, hair, nails and well-being would deteriorate. Therefore, to overcome this crisis, you need to increase your physical activity.

Try to walk quickly as much as possible ( Nordic walkingis great). Go on bike rides and sign up for the swimming pool. If you don't like the gym, take a dance course. A solid effort will release serotonin - the happiness hormone. In addition, regular physical activitywill speed up the metabolism and activate the reserves of adipose tissue.

An example of a 1500 calorie daily menu

Breakfast graham, thinly spread with soft margarine, 2 slices of poultry sirloin, chicory, tomato and pickled cucumber salad with a teaspoon of olive oil and fresh herbs, cereal coffee on milk 2% without sugar Second breakfast of lean cottage cheese mixed with blueberries or strawberries ( can be frozen) and oat flakes Dinner a bowl of tomato soup whitened with natural yogurt with brown rice, cod fillet in yoghurt-paprika sauce, jacket potatoes, boiled broccoli, compote without sugar. a slice of wholemeal bread, green tea without sugar

According to the 1500 calorie diet, you can eat in one day:

Wholemeal bread175 gto choose from: 4 slices of wholemeal bread, 2 graham buns, 3 smaller buns with grains
Pasta, groats, rice30 g of finished productto choose from: 3 flat tablespoons of the product before cooking, 1/3 bag (10 dag each) before cooking
Milk (max. 2% fat)400 g2 glasses or natural dairy products
Chudy cottage cheese50 gcheese slice 5.5 cm x 1.5 cm
Eggs15 g1/3 medium pieces (a total of 2-3 eggs per week)
Meat, poultry, fish120 gto choose from: large fish fillet, 1 and 1/2 legs without skin, a piece of meat 18 cm x 15 cm
Cold cuts30 gto choose from: 3 small slices (e.g. Sopot tenderloin), 1 and 1/2 large slices (e.g. turkey ham)
Oil, olive oil20 g2 tablespoons
Margarine10 g2 small spoons
Potatoes200 g3 medium art
Vegetables400 gto choose from: 4 large tomatoes, 8 ground cucumbers, 2 broccoli, 2 medium peppers, 8 beets
Fruits200 gto choose from: 2 medium pieces (e.g. apple, peach, kiwi, nectarine, banana), 2 cups of small seasonal fruits (raspberries, blueberries, currants, strawberries), 20 pieces of stone fruit (e.g. cherries, cherries) ) or grapes, 6 larger stone fruits (e.g. plums, mirabelles), nectarines
This will be useful to you

How to cheat hunger and accelerate weight loss on a 1500 kcal diet?

1. Eating on smaller plates will give you the impression that you are eatinga larger portion.

2. Drink as much mineral water as possible between meals or suck on ice cubes (if you don't have sensitive teeth).

3. Chew on raw vegetables (e.g. carrots, radishes, cucumbers) or watermelon.

4. During the meal, do not watch TV or read, focus on the plate.

5. Eat slowly, chewing each bite carefully - you'll feel full sooner.

6. Avoid bars and cafes - at the sight of your favorite fast food or biscuits, it will be difficult for you to suppress the temptation.

7. When you feel like doing some culinary sin, occupy your mind with something, go for a walk, give your body physical exertion, and you will forget about hunger sooner.

8. You can support yourself with dietary supplements (consult your doctor before choosing a supplement):

  • fiber before meals will make you saturated faster;
  • chrome will reduce the appetite for sweets;
  • Pu-erh red tea will accelerate fat burning;
  • pineapple extract and apple cider vinegar will boost your metabolism;
  • preparations with caffeine, like Pu-erh tea, will help reduce body fat.
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