Krystyna Sienkiewicz has been playing, painting, writing and entertaining viewers for years. “Life is unhe althy, but it laughs. If necessary, contact Sienkiewicz or the nearest pharmacist "- he advises.
- I'm not getting old - I don't have time! Because and when? - saysKrystyna Sienkiewicz . - I play in two performances: "Harold and Matylda" and "Closed world". I travel around the country with a recital "Laughter Therapy". I'm promoting the book "Cacko", and I'm about to write the next one! I exercise my memory, body and psyche - so I feel young. My face is already rotten and out of date, but it's still MY face. She doesn't want to be cut and sad. Because I've always been a laugh, which is… stupid. It is said: "to recognize a fool by his laughter." What happens when I stop laughing? People won't recognize me! Alone, when I look in the mirror, I think and say an ugly word - "W … who are you ?! What have you done to yourself, baba ?! You have a painted coffin on your face! ”. Or what? Is laughter for the young? Nonsense! I understand beauty care - that you go to various treatments. I only put Ziaja creams on my pride, because I'm in love with them. And I remove my makeup with a rough glove that peels the skin.
Krystyna Sienkiewicz: diet for he alth
The body wants not just any food and drink from me, so I start the day with healing the intestines. I brew nettle because it detoxifies. My second favorite drink is linseed. Thanks to herbs, I never have heartburn, even though I often eat in restaurants. Everyone is surprised when I say to the waiter: "I'll start with coffee so that I can see what I'm eating", because sometimes I'm tired when I travel. Sick - never. The body accepts what I give it good, and it pays back with good. I always finish my meals with hot water, which is great for me. I don't get drunk with high-percentage drinks, which I regret. Only during the summer holidays do I have a feast (which does not mean that I wobble on my feet) and every evening I catch a flask of strong beer. I simply associate grilling with beer. When it gets cold, I prefer to drink a good homemade tincture. I used red wine at times when I wanted to lose weight. But I have rarely had weight problems. For years, I have eaten my last meal at 5pm. It cannot be otherwise! At 6 p.m. I am already in the dressing room of the theater: almost made up and dressed. From that moment on, I am someone else …
Krystyna Sienkiewicz: exercises?I would rather show them than describe them!
When I wake up, I lift my legs up - and the cats that sleep with me jump off the bed - and do the scissors 10-20 times. Then I get up: I bounce and crash. I try to take care of the body frames and keep his drawing nice. I spin the wheels with my arms: 10 times each way. I bend in half, grabbing my knees with my hands. Effect? I travel a lot and my spine doesn't know it! I do gymnastics too: I beat my thumb rhythmically against my thumb (or with my open palms). The "sock" is not hanging to me - and that's because I do this exercise: I say YYYYKS loudly and put my head on my back, then OOOOO - and press my chin against my tits. I repeat the X-O set 20 times in the morning. My face will shrivel even more, but I will not go to the "cutter"! I have very bad eyes, they work because I exercise them every day. As? I make x's with them: I look there - here I look: at the center, down, up, at the sides. What else? Holding onto the chair, I swing the knives backwards 20 times on each leg. And I buck the most on stage! I love my profession, so … I'm not getting old, I'm trying!
ImportantKrystyna Sienkiewicz
Graduate of the Academy of Fine Arts, Star of the STS theater. We know her, among others from the films "Rzeczpospolita babska", "The Leśniewski family" and "Smarkula", plays by Agnieszka Osiecka (eg "Apetyt na cherry") and Olga Lipińska's Cabaret. Currently, we can admire it at the Komedia Theater in Warsaw.
monthly "Zdrowie"