Barbara Bursztynowicz has been playing the role of Elżbieta Lubicz in "Klan" for many years. And it amazes us because… nothing changes! Slender figure, positive energy, sparkle in the eye. The essence of femininity.
- How do I stay young? - the actress repeats the question,Barbara Bursztynowicz . - I will not say that there is no merit for me - because as an actress I am obliged to look reasonably good - but above all it is a matter of genes. My mother is an extremely lively, decisive person: she still controls the whole family and has the joy of life. I think I am similar to her: also, if I come up with something, I immediately try to fulfill it - then I come true. From my father, I inherited great sensitivity, even hypersensitivity. She allows me to see the world differently. Thanks to her, I became an actress at all. Unfortunately, this hypersensitivity also manifests itself in my physical he alth, namely: I am allergic.
How does Barbara Bursztynowicz care for beauty?
I can't use any cosmetic inventions. Sometimes I am tempted to try something new, but it generally doesn't end well. So for safety, I use one cream all my life. Unfortunately, because of my work, I have to use colored cosmetics. Through tests and errors, and sometimes at the expense of he alth, I eliminated them until I came to a consensus with my skin. I must beware of all these wonderful "elixirs of youth". But maybe it's better? It makes me look natural.
Barbara Bursztynowicz: I keep in shape so as not to get sick
I spend a lot of time outdoors. Walking is my way to improve my form, but most of all it is one of the greatest pleasures, almost an addiction. At every free moment, my husband and I take Nordic walking sticks and go to the park or to the forest, if we are in the countryside near Warsaw. I also exercise a bit. Not too much, because I'm lazy when it comes to this type of activity, and I can't discipline myself, but I can handle those five minutes a day. (laughs)
Communing with nature is something fantastic. I don't like the city, I run away from crowded and noisy places.
I do not use all the benefits of technology that you can work on in a gym. Besides, I don't like stuffy rooms -I prefer to practice outdoors. And I do it with the poles. Not only do I lean on them when I walk, but I also do a set of exercises for the spine: I wave them back and forth, I make circles - small at first, then bigger and bigger. It is also a kind of gym - only natural, not requiring huge effort. In the summer I go hiking in the mountains and thanks to the fact that I significantly improve my condition, I do not get tired in the following months when I have to work for a long time or do something that seems beyond human strength. It is also important that I move a lot every day. Even rain and frost are terrible for me! My husband is harder to get out of the house then, and I think - like the Scandinavians - that it is not bad weather, but clothes. That it is enough to dress properly and all the atmospheric difficulties can be overcome. I do it for the body as well as for the spirit.
ImportantBarbara BursztynowiczThe actress we liked for the role of Elżbieta Lubicz in "Klan". We also know her from the series "Appetite for life", "Sisters" and the films "Children and fish", "The Clinch". He plays in the capital's Ateneum and Komedia theaters. She is the author of the book en titled "Like in life. Columns ".
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