Sodium hypochlorite is a chemical compound with a wide range of applications in various industries, cosmetics, agriculture and medicine. Although concentrated sodium hypochlorite is an extremely dangerous substance, when properly diluted, it can have healing properties, e.g. in the treatment of skin diseases. Sodium hypochlorite has a strong oxidizing effect and is therefore widely used as a disinfectant. What other properties does sodium hypochlorite have and what is it used for?
Sodium hypochlorite , otherwisesodium hypochlorite , is an inorganic chemical compound, a sodium s alt of hypochlorous acid with the chemical formula NaOCl. Sodium hypochlorite has a pungent smell and yellow-green color. It is characterized by a strongly alkaline pH in the range of 12-13. Highly concentrated, it shows caustic properties, but in the right proportions it is used for disinfection.
Sodium hypochlorite - properties
Sodium hypochlorite is a dangerous substance. Concentratedis corrosive and harmful to the environment . Concentrated sodium hypochlorite is a very unstable substance and it decomposes quickly, therefore it is usually stored in the form of aqueous solutions.
In addition,it has corrosive properties , they cause corrosion of steel, even stainless steel.
Sodium hypochloritehas a strong oxidizing effect , therefore it is commonly used as a disinfectant. It has been shown to be deadly to such microorganisms as:
- golden staphylococcus,
- colon rod,
- Clostridium difficile
- is the human papillomavirus (HPV).
Additionally, sodium hypochlorite haswhitening properties for fabrics . The whitening properties of this compound result from the fact that sodium bicarbonate and hypochlorous acid are formed after contact of sodium hypochlorite with carbon dioxide in the air. The latter causes the oxidation of dyes contained in fabrics and, as a result, bleaches it.
Sodium hypochlorite - Dakin's solution
During the First World War, the so-calledDakin's solutionwas widely used in medicine, which was used todisinfect wounds and surgical tools . This solution is named after the chemist H.D. Dakina, who used it for the first time.
SolutionDakina is a 0.5% sodium hypochlorite solution prepared by mixing solutions of calcium chlorate and sodium carbonate and then filtering the precipitate of calcium carbonate.
Sodium hypochlorite - application
Sodium hypochlorite due to its strong oxidizing propertiesis primarily used as a disinfectant :
- drinking water,
- bathing water in pools,
- process water,
- wells and water intakes,
- vegetables, fruits and grains,
- installations, apparatuses, tanks, devices, e.g. in the food industry,
- bottles and containers,
- industrial sewage and waste,
- in households.
It is worth noting that although many other disinfectants (calcium hypochlorite, ozone, UV radiation) and treatment processes have been tested, sodium hypochlorite seems to be the best choice because of its high efficiency, low cost and relative safety.
In addition to being used in disinfection, sodium hypochlorite is also applicable :
- in bleaching and removing stains from fabrics
- in removing biofilms and algae in water systems
- in neutralizing toxins, e.g. ricin, botulism, mycotoxins
- in horticulture, e.g. in the fight against various types of fungi attacking fruit trees
- in dentistry, e.g. in root canal treatment
- as a deodorant
- as an antiseptic
Sodium hypochlorite - production methods
Sodium hypochlorite on an industrial scale in chemical plants is produced by adding chlorine gas to sodium hydroxide (sodium hydroxide).
In addition, it can be produced by electrolysis of sodium chloride (table s alt) and as a by-product during the synthesis of sodium chloride.
Sodium hypochlorite - medical use
Sodium hypochloriteis an ingredient in variousmedical devices, such as mouthwashes and ointments. They are primarily aimed at decontaminating and accelerating the healing of the area to which they are applied.
Sodium hypochlorite lotions, soaps or cleansing gels are cleansers that are applied to wet skin and then rinsed off.
It is recommended to use themin inflammatory skin conditions , e.g. :
- eczema,
- atopic dermatitis,
- diabetic foot,
- skin diseases caused by microorganisms, e.g. folliculitis, acne, colonization with staphylococcus aureus,
- and also in burns,
- after operations
- and with a bad smellbody.
Moreover, sodium hypochlorite is commonlyused in dentistrye.g. in root canal treatment to destroy microorganisms.
Sodium hypochlorite - atopic dermatitis
In people with atopic dermatitis, adding antiseptics such as sodium hypochlorite to the bath can be an additional therapeutic option to help relieve inflammation.
Additionally, it will help prevent skin infections by reducing bacterial colonization on the skin.
These are theso-called hypochlorite baths or bleach baths.
In some studies, it has been documented that children who were regularly bathed in 0.005% sodium hypochlorite solution experienced an improvement in the symptoms of atopic dermatitis.
Hypochlorite baths have also been shown to reduce the use of corticosteroids and antibiotics.
It should be emphasized, however, that there are still no unequivocal clinical trials confirming the effectiveness of such treatments.
How to prepare a hypochlorite bath?
According to the recommendations of the Polish Society of Atopic Diseases, the hypochlorite bath should be performed 2-3 times a week and prepared as follows:
- the bathtub should be filled with lukewarm water
- for a standard bathtub with a capacity of about 180 liters with water, add ½ glass of bleach (e.g. ACE) or 2 tablespoons of bleach to a baby bathtub with a capacity of about 18 liters
- such proportions allow for obtaining about 0.005% sodium hypochlorite solution
- in such prepared water you should take a bath for about 10 minutes (do not immerse your face in water with hypochlorite)
- after bathing, rinse the whole body thoroughly with tap water
It is worth mentioning that there are also ready-made concentrated preparations with sodium hypochlorite for bath preparation available on the market.
Remember to consult a doctor before taking a hypochlorite bath.
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