The intestines are one of the most important organs in our body, where digestion and the absorption of nutrients needed by all tissues take place. Find out what the most common bowel ailments are and how to recognize their characteristic symptoms.
The abnormal functioning of the intestines affects the he alth of the entire body. Ailments caused by bowel disease can cause a variety of symptoms. The basis for the diagnosis of intestinal diseases is a thorough medical history, which sometimes requires additional tests.
We present the most common intestinal ailments.
Celiac disease
Celiac diseasetogluten intolerance disease- protein present in grains (including wheat, rye, barley). In people suffering from celiac disease, consumption of products containing gluten causes the destruction of intestinal villi. In damaged intestines, the area of digestion and absorption of nutrients is significantly reduced. Food absorption disorders affect the functioning of the entire body.The symptoms of celiac disease are very diverse.Some of them concern the intestines - diarrhea, flatulence, abdominal pain worsen after consuming gluten-containing products. In children, celiac disease causes stunted growth and weight loss. Vitamin D deficiency in celiac disease results in osteoporosis and tooth decay. Another common symptom of celiac disease is anemia.
Celiac disease belongs to autoimmune diseases. In people with a genetic predisposition,gluten consumption triggers the production of antibodies that destroy the intestinal tissue . Testing the level of these antibodies in the blood is one of the most important steps in the diagnosis of celiac disease. Celiac disease is a disease that can be successfully treated. By completely eliminating gluten from the diet, symptoms will disappear and you can function normally.It is worth remembering, however, that the current fashion for a gluten-free diet is not always medically justified . Celiac disease is not a common disease - according to estimates, about 1 percent suffer from it. population.
Lactose intolerance
Lactose intoleranceis one of the most common intestinal ailments. Its cause isdeficiency of lactase - the enzymeresponsible for digesting lactose . Lactose is a type of sugar present in milk and milk products. There are 2 types of lactose intolerance:
- Primary lactose intoleranceis genetically determined and its symptoms appear in young people.
- Secondary lactose intolerancedevelops in patients whose bodies have a history of coping with lactose digestion and have now lost this ability. It may be temporary. It often occurs after gastrointestinal infections, the use of antibiotics, or as a result of other bowel diseases. After some time, the intestinal mucosa can regenerate and lactase activity is restored.
Symptoms of lactose intolerance are often diagnosed by patients themselves. Their relationship with the consumption of dairy products is characteristic.Shortly after eating lactose-containing food, abdominal cramps, bloating and sometimes diarrhea appear.Lactase deficiency causes lactose to remain undigested and irritate the gastrointestinal tract. The gut bacteria are responsible for the fermentation, producing a large amount of gas which causes unpleasant symptoms.
To confirm lactose intolerance, the so-calledbreath tests . At the start of the test, the patient consumes a certain amount of lactose. In the case of intolerance, undigested lactose is fermented in the intestines. The fermentation process produces hydrogen, which reaches the patient's lungs with blood and is then exhaled.The breath test measures the hydrogen concentration in the exhaled air . Values above the norm confirm lactose intolerance. The diagnosis of lactose intolerance is an indication for diet modification. Depending on the severity of symptoms, some patients require only lactose reduction, while others require complete elimination. Preparations containing lactase are also effective in relieving the symptoms of lactose intolerance.
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SIBO team
SIBO(from Englishsmall intestine bacterial overgrowth ) is otherwisesmall intestine bacterial overgrowth. The essence of the SIBO syndrome is the excessive amount of bacteria in the small intestine. Under normal circumstances, the largest habitat of bacteria in the digestive tract is in the large intestine. As a result of imbalance of the intestines microbiological, they may shift towards the small intestine. Excessive and abnormal flora of the small intestine can develop as a result of various medical conditions.The most common causes of SIBO syndrome are:
- intestinal motility disorders,
- anatomical defects of the digestive tract,
- previous bowel operations,
- taking medications to change the pH of the stomach.
Symptoms of SIBO are due todigestive disorders and food absorption disorders . For this reason, they may resemble celiac disease and additional tests are required to distinguish between these conditions. The intestinal symptoms of SIBO are flatulence, belching, diarrhea, and abdominal pain. Impaired nutrient absorption causes weight loss. Vitamin B12 deficiency causes anemia, vitamin D deficiency causes osteoporosis, and vitamin A deficiency causes visual impairment (so-called night blindness). The more bacteria multiply in the small intestine, the more severe the symptoms are.
The diagnosis of SIBO is based onculture, i.e. the calculation of the number of bacteria in the small intestine.For this purpose, it is necessary to collect intestinal contents from the initial fragment of the intestine. They are usually performed during an endoscopic examination. The intestinal content is analyzed under laboratory conditions. If the number of bacteria exceeds 105/1 ml, the diagnosis of SIBO syndrome is confirmed.Treatment of SIBO syndrome requires multidirectional activities.Excessive growth of bacteria can be stopped with antibiotic therapy. Vitamins and other deficient nutrients should be supplemented. However, the most important thing is effective causal treatment (improvement of intestinal peristalsis, limiting the use of unnecessary drugs, sometimes surgical interventions are necessary). Otherwise, bacterial growth in the small intestine may recur.
Read also: Microbiota. The effect of gut bacteria on the body
Food allergy
Food allergyis a disease caused by an overreaction of the immune system to eating certain foods. Food allergy isoften confused with intolerance , although they are two different disease entities. In food allergy, symptoms result from an immune reaction - most often the formation of antibodies against certain food components. Intolerance results from disturbances in food conversion (e.g. in the case of lactose intolerance - a deficiency of the enzyme responsible for its metabolism). The immune system is not involved in food intolerances, and there is no development of allergies.
Food allergy is the body's reactionrepeating itself after each consumption of a specific food . The most common food allergens are peanuts, seafood, fish, citrus, and in the case of children, cow's milk and eggs.The most common cause of food allergy is the formation of IgE antibodies in contact with certain food. The measurement of the level of IgE antibodies in the blood can be one of the steps in the diagnosis of food allergy. Food allergy maymanifest as cramping abdominal pain, nausea and diarrhea after eating . The allergic reaction sometimes affects other organs as well:
- hives may appear on the skin,
- in the mouth - swelling and itching of the mucosa,
- in the respiratory system - runny nose and a feeling of shortness of breath.
The most serious form of allergy isanaphylaxis, which is a violent allergic reaction of the whole body . Anaphylaxis causes a drop in blood pressure, increased heart rate and swelling of the airways. An anaphylactic reaction can be life threatening, therefore patients who react so violently to certain foods should always have adrenaline with them.
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Irritable bowel syndrome
Irritable bowel syndromeis a common condition with abdominal pain being the predominant symptom. In the course of irritable bowel syndrome, the rhythm of bowel movements changes -diarrhea or constipation appear . Abdominal pain occurs after food consumption or in stressful situations, it usually does not occur at night. The exact causes of Irritable Bowel Syndrome (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) are unknown.There are no intestinal changes in this disease that could explain the symptoms. The anatomical and microscopic structure of the intestine is completely normal. It is believed that irritable bowel syndrome may result fromdisturbances in the functioning of the brain-gut axis.Intestinal complaints are often the result of emotional tension, stress or neurotic disorders. It is believed that about 80 percent. cases of irritable bowel syndrome patients suffer fromcomorbid mental disorders(depression, anxiety disorders).
Irritable bowel syndrome has a negative impact on quality of life - recurring abdominal pain and diarrhea or constipation hinder daily functioning. However, it is worth emphasizing that irritable bowel syndromedoes not lead to serious he alth consequences- it does not cause food absorption disorders or weight loss. In the event of the appearance of such symptoms, the diagnosis must be verified. The diagnosis of irritable bowel syndrome requires the exclusion of other diseases that may have a similar clinical picture (e.g. inflammatory bowel diseases).
Treatment of irritable bowel syndrome should be selected individually for each patient.In the case of constipation, it is recommended to increase the consumption of fiber. Drugs with a mild laxative effect are also often used. In the case of severe abdominal pain, antispasmodics and relieving flatulence are helpful. Certain antibiotics (rifaximin) may be used in the form of diarrhea. Recent reports indicate the effectiveness of the FODMAP diet, which consists in reducing fermentable products (some fruit, some dairy products, wheat). A very important element of the irritable bowel syndrome therapy isappropriate psychological support . In all forms of irritable bowel syndrome, small doses of antidepressants may be beneficial.
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Ulcerative colitis.
Ulcerative colitisis a disease thataffects mainly young people aged 20-40 . This disease develops inflammation which leads to the formation of ulcerations in the lining of the intestine. Ulcerative colitis can affect different parts of the large intestine. Most often it affects the rectum. There are also cases of involvement of the entire length of the large intestine, i.e. the colon, sigmoid colon and rectum. Ulcerative colitis, along with Crohn's disease, belongs to the so-called inflammatory bowel diseases.
The main symptoms of ulcerative colitis arefrequent bloody diarrhea and abdominal pain . The disease is usually chronic, with alternating periods of exacerbation and remission. Exacerbations of ulcerative colitis are manifested by intensification of symptoms, increased frequency of diarrhea, decreased well-being and fever. During an exacerbation of the disease, frequent blood loss diarrhea may cause anemia. The most serious complication of ulcerative colitis is the so-calledtoxic enlargement of the colon.Fortunately, it is relatively rare.
Endoscopic examination with biopsyis required to confirm the diagnosis of ulcerative colitis. Ulceration of the intestinal mucosa is so characteristic that in many cases the disease can be diagnosed by standard colonoscopy. The final confirmation of the diagnosis is microscopic examination of a section of the intestinal wall. Various types of anti-inflammatory drugs are used to treat ulcerative colitis. If the treatment is ineffective, usemodern biological preparations(incl.Infliximab). In patients with the most severe forms of the disease, it is sometimes necessary to partially or completely remove the large intestine.
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Crohn's disease.
Crohn's diseaseis another example of inflammatory bowel disease. Unlike ulcerative colitis, which only affects the large intestine, Crohn's disease canaffect the entire digestive tract . Most often, inflammation begins at the border of the small and large intestines (the so-called ileocecal valve). A characteristic feature of Crohn's disease issegmental involvement of the gastrointestinal tract- inflamed fragments are "intertwined" with he althy sections of the intestine. Crohn's disease can affect not only the intestines, but also the stomach, esophagus and even the mouth.
The dominant symptoms of Crohn's disease areabdominal pain and diarrhea(rarely with blood). Inflammation in Crohn's disease covers the entire thickness of the intestinal wall, which is why complications such as abscesses, fistulas and fibrosis occur relatively frequently. Inflammatory lesions around the anus are especially typical of this disease.Chronic diarrhea in Crohn's disease can lead to malnutrition and weight loss. The so-called extraintestinal symptoms - arthritis, iritis, erythema nodosum.
Treatment of Crohn's disease is based, as in ulcerative colitis, on anti-inflammatory drugs.Oral glucocorticosteroids are the basis of the therapy.When the disease is not controlled in this way, stronger immunosuppressants (including cyclosporine) are added. In Crohn's disease, the necessity to perform surgical procedures is relatively frequent (usually as a result of complications - abscesses and fistulas). When it is necessary to remove a fragment of the intestine, conservative procedures are aimed at saving the longest possible segment of the intestine.
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Intestinal polyps
Polyps are small protrusions of the mucosa that can appear anywhere in the intestine. There aremany types of gut polyps.Some of them are completely benign, while others may turn into malignant neoplastic changes over time. Some polyps are genetically determined.Most polyps don't cause any discomfortiis detected accidentally during a colonoscopy. Large polyps can cause bleeding into the lumen of the gut (usually mild).
Each polyp detected during colonoscopy should be properly examined - it should be removed and sent for histopathological examination. Only in microscopic examination can the nature of the polyp be assessed. If the polyp was benign, the patient does not require further diagnosis. If a tumor is found in a polyp, more frequent check-ups are needed. If it turns out that the cancer has spread beyond the polyp, a section of the intestine must be removed (as in colon cancer).
Colorectal cancer
Colorectal canceris one of the most common cancers in both men and women. If found early, colorectal cancer is completely curable. For this reason,every person over 50 should undergo a prophylactic examination for this neoplasm- colonoscopy. Colorectal cancer in its early stages may be completely asymptomatic. Clinical symptoms usually appear as the tumor mass increases. The later the diagnosis is made, the lower the chances of a full recovery.
The first symptoms of colorectal cancer include a change in bowel habits ( alternating constipation and diarrhea) and abdominal pain. Colorectal cancer often causes bleeding into the lumen of the intestine, which can result in anemia. Unexplained anemia is always an indication for a colonoscopy. If the tumor is located near the rectum, the so-called pencil-shaped stools that result from the narrowing of the intestine. As the disease progresses, weight loss and general weakness often occur.
The mainstay of treatment for colorectal cancer isa surgical procedure involving the removal of the tumor along with the adjacent part of the intestine . Chemotherapy is often used as an adjunct to the procedure. The sooner a neoplasm is detected and removed, the greater the chance of full recovery. The 5-year survival rate in early colorectal cancer is 85-100%. When the lymph nodes are spread, this rate drops to about 30-60 percent. For this reason, prophylactic colonoscopy that allows early detection of colorectal cancer is often a life-saving test.
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Intestinal diverticula
Diverticulaare small depressions ("pockets") in the intestinal wall that occur primarily in adults.The incidence of intestinal diverticula increases with age. Diverticula can be caused by genetic factors, but the main cause isa low-fiber diet.The presence of diverticula in the intestinal wall does not cause any symptoms or pose a he alth risk in most patients. Patients with asymptomatic diverticula do not require any treatment. About 20-30 percent. people with diverticula develop the so-calleddiverticular disease .
Diverticulitis is acondition in which diverticula cause discomfort.Their most common symptoms are bloating and abdominal pain. Some patients may develop diverticulitis, manifested by fever and a painful lump in the left lower abdomen. Untreated diverticulitis can lead to complications (including abscess formation). For this reason, the suspicion of diverticulitis is an indication for in-depth diagnosis and appropriate treatment.
During diverticulitis, colonoscopy is contraindicated - you must not look at the intestine "from the inside" because it may perforate it. Computed tomography of the abdomenis used to diagnose diverticulitis. Diverticulitis is treated with a liquid diet, in some cases antibiotic therapy is also necessary. In order to prevent recurrence of inflammation, it is worth changing your diet. A high-residual diet, containing a lot of fiber (fresh fruit, vegetables, whole grains) is especially beneficial in diverticular disease.
About the author
Medical student at Collegium Medicum in Krakow, slowly entering the world of constant challenges of a doctor's work. She is particularly interested in gynecology and obstetrics, paediatrics and lifestyle medicine. A lover of foreign languages, travel and mountain hiking.