Multi-joint exercise is the best method of building your overall orgasmic strength and fitness. Their name comes from the fact that they engage more than one pond during movement. Thus, they are the opposite of isolated exercises, which focus on the work of only one muscle group.
Multi-joint exercises should be performed by every person who wants his body to remain in good physical condition. In most cases, these exercises imitate movements taken from everyday life, thanks to which they have a positive impact on its quality. In this article, I will focus on describing the benefits of this type of exercise and how to weave it into your training plans. Regardless of what sport you play and what your training goal is, multi-joint exercises are an excellent choice. I invite you to read.
Multi-joint exercises - what kind of exercises are they
Multi-joint exercises are the foundation of strength training. They include, among others, called the king of all deadlift exercises, all kinds of sitting, bench press and rowing. They are based on the involvement of as many muscles as possible to work at the same time. As a result, they are very effective not only in building strength, but also in reducing body fat.
During multi-joint exercises, the movement takes place in at least two joints at the same time. For example, during squats, these are the knee and hip joints. During the bench press, it is the elbow joint and the shoulder girdle. The more joints and muscle groups are forced to work, the more effective multi-joint exercise is.
Their great advantage is the fact of burning a huge amount of calories, causing the release of anabolic hormones, as well as saving time and reducing the necessary equipment to a minimum. To perform multi-joint FBW exercises, i.e. in the full body workout format, we need dumbbells and barbells. Of course, some space will also come in handy, but we don't even need a standard bench press.
Thanks to the simplicity and the use of natural movements for our body, multi-joint exercises will also prove useful in calisthenics, as a supplement. They will also be a great tool for athletes to improve their motor functions and eliminate weak links in the kinematic chain. For people training amateurs, they will be perfecta tool to improve the figure in a relatively short time.
Multi-joint exercises - the purpose of the exercises
The purpose of multi-joint exercises is primarily to strengthen the overall strength of the body and improve the functioning of the entire kinematic chain. Trainings based on multiple joints teach the body the correct movement patterns. It is commonly believed that multi-joint exercise is primarily used to build muscle mass, but the truth is that it will also work in the reverse process.
Multi-joint exercises help to reduce body fat, because the body uses a lot of energy during exercise. In other words, we increase the daily calorie requirement, and with a reduction diet, the weight will decrease.
By using polyarthritis, we also protect our muscles against breakdown. We let the body know that we will need them. For this reason, the body uses reserves in the form of unwanted fatty tissue to replenish energy deficiencies. By protecting the muscle mass you need. Unfortunately, many people do not adequately protect their muscles during reduction, which means they lose them in the process of losing weight. This is definitely an undesirable effect.
While maintaining a positive caloric balance, multi-joint exercises will contribute to the growth of muscle mass. It is worth remembering that all exercise is only a stimulus for the body, while all the magic in the form of the formation of new muscle fibers or the reduction of body fat happens through our nutrition. In other words, multi-joint exercises can be used during both mass and reduction periods.
Many athletes use them as a supplement to specialized training. In this case, the multiple joints are designed to develop the motor skills of the players. Mainly maximum and general strength, but also improve power generation and increase body strength endurance. Everything will depend on the way you use the multi-joint exercises tool.
Multi-joint exercises are associated mainly with the gym, fortunately, they do not have to be performed only there. Later in the article I will present a training plan that, after minor modifications, can be implemented at home. I will also provide descriptions of exercises for shoulders, biceps and stomach
Preparation for multi-joint exercises for beginners
Beginners should prepare their body for proper training by learning movement patterns first. For this purpose, it is worth going to a personal trainer who will assess your he althand the mobility of the orgasm. You don't need to establish long-term cooperation right away.
However, it is worth getting to know the opinion of a specialist before starting your adventure with training. This can save you a lot of mistakes and looking for training methods in the dark.
First of all, I would concentrate on getting the body used to the effort, therefore I would use exercises with my own body weight and work on mobility. In other words, for the first 2-3 weeks, it is worth focusing on exercises based on calisthenics, such as push-ups, pulls, squats or Australian pull-ups.
During this time, you should also work on mobility by doing yoga and stretching exercises. Then I recommend going to the execution of FBW plans.
Multi-joint exercise plan for beginners:
- Goblet squat - 4 sets of 10 repetitions with a maximum of 60 seconds rest between sets with each exercise;
- Elevation Deadlift - 4 sets of 10 repetitions;
- Overgrip pull-ups - 4 sets of 10 repetitions (the number of repetitions if possible, can be up to 4 in the series) In case of problems, I recommend using a power band rubber to help;
- Sit-up barbell rowing - 4 sets of 10 reps;
- Pressing the barbell on a flat bench - 4 sets of 10 repetitions;
- Military press barbells standing - 4 sets of 10 repetitions;
- Push-ups on bars (dips) - 4 sets of 10 repetitions;
- Standing dumbbell curls - 4 sets of 10 reps
- Board - 4 series of 30 seconds each 30 seconds break
At home, squats can be performed even with a bottle of water. Deadlift with larger 5 liter bottles held, for example, two in each hand. Pull-ups can be replaced with Australian pull-ups, which can be performed thanks to a broomstick placed on two chairs. The push-ups on the armrests can be replaced with dips on the back of the chair.
Multi-joint exercises overview
Below I will present you an overview of the most important multi-joint exercises with a short description that will allow you to decide whether a given exercise will help you in your training goal.
Deadlift - There are many versions of this exercise. The most popular are classic, sumo and straight legs versions. The exercise consists in picking up the load from the ground in an appropriate manner. Virtually the whole body is involved in work. Depending on the version, the biceps muscles of the thighs, buttocks or the back extensors may be most heavily loaded.The deadlift is called the king of all exercises because it is impossible to effectively build strength or mass without this exercise or its variations.
Squat - There are at least 100 varieties of squats. It is an exercise that perfectly engages the muscles of the lower body. The difference between the squat and the deadlift is that in the former, the pelvis goes down. While we push it backwards when we are doing the strings. The difference is subtle but very important. Many people have a technical problem with getting the right thrust due to the fact that they go to sit in the lower part of the stroke. The technique of performing squats and their type should be selected for a given person, because each of them is anatomically different.
Lunges - lunges are an excellent leg muscle exercise, which can even be an alternative to squats. Keeping a straight silhouette, we lunge to a kneeling position. However, the knee is not touching the ground. We perform lunges alternately with the left and right legs.
Pull-ups - this is an exercise that forms the basis of calisthenics. It is also the best way to build a big and strong back. Women should also do them. The most important aspect of chin-ups is keeping full movement. This means that we start from the so-called blind spot and finish when the bar is level with the chest. During pull-ups, it is very important to activate the shoulder blades and stabilize the torso by tightening the abdominal muscles. We can pull up with a grip, a grip or a neutral grip. The muscles will work in a slightly different way also as a result of changing the grip width.
Rowing - There are many variations of this exercise. However, the most important thing is to keep the specificity of the movement which is pulling the weight towards you. This can be done while the torso descends, while standing or even lying on the stomach. The exercise is a kind of opposite to the bench press. During this exercise, we work on the so-called thickness of our backs and strengthen the muscles that protect the spine. Calisthenics uses an Australian pull-up, which is the reverse of a push-up. In other words, it is rowing which involves pulling our body to the bar, which we can easily control the level of difficulty.
Chest Press - You can perform bench presses while lying on a bench or on the floor. You can also push the load while standing. Push-ups are, after all, a similar exercise. When bench press, it is very important to position your elbows at an angle of 90 degrees from your body. This is due to the strain on the shoulder rotators.It is best to press the barbell with your elbows at an angle of about 45 degrees from your body. However, there are many other technical aspects to this exercise that are worth reading.
Military bench press - it is the best exercise to increase the strength of the shoulder girdle. It consists in squeezing the weight above the head from the level of the chest. Here, as in the bench press, it is best to position your elbows about 45 degrees from your body. Full range of motion and control of tilting backwards is recommended. Too much deviation will strain the spine. Military Press can be performed while standing or sitting.
Push-ups on handrails, or dips - an exercise based on calisthenics, which is an ideal tool for strengthening the triceps muscles of the arm, shoulder girdle and the lower part of the chest. There are several variations. It is important, however, that the movement is fully controlled and that the wrists are an extension of the forearm.
Dumbbell curls - the exercise can be performed with or without the so-called suplination. Suplination is the tightening of the wrist while lifting the dumbbell up. The exercise is based on the work of the biceps muscles of the arm, but thanks to the standing position, we also engage the body and, to a small extent, the shoulder girdle.
All the exercises listed above can be modified, creating their new versions that will affect the body in a different way. Even a minor change in movement can affect how your muscles work. For this reason, body training people should get to know their body well and observe it constantly.
Muscle Building Diet
Diet is the most important aspect responsible for our figure, but also for he alth. First of all, for he alth, because thanks to it we provide the body with all the nutrients it needs. When the way our nutrition does not meet the needs of our body, it will have an impact not only on the appearance but also on the well-being and psyche.
During the mass period, we must provide the body with a caloric surplus to be able to use it to build up muscles. This should be done wisely and gradually, otherwise we will gain more messy body fat than pure muscle mass. Thanks to the development of science in the field of training and human nutrition, we already know that the so-called bulking, i.e. flooding during the mass period, is not the best method of increasing muscle mass. A much more effective option is to slowly and gradually increase the caloric supply so that the body can keep up using energy to build up.muscles.
I mentioned above that training is only a stimulus that directs the body to act in a specific direction. When building muscle mass, the best training is the one based on multi-joint exercises. However, you should constantly increase the load, even from training to training, so that the body knows what we require from it. The increase in strength is strongly correlated with the growth of muscle mass.
There are two important things to consider when designing a diet aimed at developing muscle mass. The first is that the body will need energy, which is carbohydrate in greater amounts than before. The second is the fact that excess protein, or building material, will not be beneficial. In order to digest protein, the body must use up to a quarter of the energy it can get from it.
You should also remember about the proper supply of fats, which are necessary for the proper functioning of the endocrine system of the orgasm. For men, the optimal supply of fats in the diet is about 30%. They ensure the production of testosterone, which is one of the most anabolic hormones. The increased supply of carbohydrates allows the use of insulin to build muscles. Women should not consume less than 1 gram of fat per kilogram of body weight. However, it is recommended to cover from 50 to 60% of the caloric requirement from sugars. This gives us only 20 to 25% of the energy derived from proteins.
Personally, I recommend that you use a 50-20-30% proportion at the beginning for carbohydrates, proteins and fats, respectively. If necessary, these proportions can be manipulated.
The caloric supply that our body will need can be easily calculated from the formula 24 (for men and 22 for women, respectively) x current weight (professional bodybuilders take into account only lean body mass) x PAL (physical activity coefficient of 1.2 up to 2.0)=BMR (Baseline Metabolic Rate). Now add 200-300 kcal, distributed evenly over all macronutrients, to the obtained result.
The problem with this formula may be the estimation of your physical activity coefficient. However, it is worth taking a lower value instead of a higher one and observing the orgasmic reactions. With sedentary work and three workouts a week, I would consider the range of 1.3-1.5 depending on other activities during the day. The observation of the body should be based on the measurements of weight, centimeters as well as front, back and profile photos.
Multi-joint exercises are the basis for any other physical activity. It is causedthe fact that they allow to improve the most important human motor skills. We are talking about strength, endurance and the ability to generate power. Everyone should use them in their training plan not only for sports purposes.
Multi-parts, using movements from everyday life, are an excellent form of prevention against injuries. They provide increased stability and improve motor coordination. Regardless of the age or training goal, it is worth paying attention to them. It should also be remembered that exercises isolated on machines that look so nice are only a supplement to the training. If you have doubts about the technique, consult a specialist. In this case, to a personal trainer. It is worth taking care of the body and treating training even as a form of prevention against injuries in order to be able to enjoy he alth and full mobility for many years.
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