Herbs to lower blood cholesterol have been used in medicine for years. In addition to a proper diet, it is one of the natural ways to keep cholesterol normal and prevent the development of atherosclerosis, which causes, among others, infarction and stroke. Well-known herbs such as e.g. ginger, linseed and fenugreek, taken in various forms: teas, infusions or capsules. Which other herbs are worth using when it is necessary to keep cholesterol in check?
Cholesterol-lowering herbsuse them after consulting your doctor, because not only excess cholesterol, but also a deficiency of cholesterol can cause he alth consequences.
Cholesterol is an organic compound consisting of two fractions: LDL (called "bad" cholesterol) and HDL (called "good" cholesterol), and which is even necessary for the proper functioning of the body. Cholesterol is, among others: a building material for cell membranes and the myelin sheaths of nerve fibers, it is also a component of bile, which facilitates the digestion of fats, and the absorption of vitamin D by the body would simply not be possible.
Maintaining the correct level of cholesterol is extremely important for stabilizing the functioning of the entire body. Excess cholesterol causes build-up of atherosclerotic plaque in the blood vessels, which can lead to:
- ischemic heart disease
- heart attack
- stroke
- lower limb ischemia
- retinal damage and irreversible vision loss
- hearing loss and acceleration of senile deafness
- dementia and related diseases - including Alzheimer's disease
- kidney failure
It is also bad when we have too little cholesterol in the body, because cholesterol deficiency contributes to a decrease in the body's immunity, and also increases the risk of, among others, depression, bipolar disorder (Bipolar disorder) and aggressive behavior.
Cholesterol levels should therefore be systematically monitored, and if necessary, modified under the doctor's supervision: increased or - which happens much more often - lowered. The most effective natural method of lowering cholesterol is through a proper diet. However, it can be supported with 6 effective herbs.
Herbs for lowering cholesterol:ginger
The most important advantage ofgingerfor cholesterol prevention and therapy is that it prevents platelets from sticking together and the blood circulates faster in the vessels. Ginger protects against the formation of blood clots and prevents venous thromboembolism, which can occur in people with high cholesterol.
Who definitely shouldn't eat ginger?Check it out here: The miraculous ginger - healing and slimming properties of ginger

Herbs for lowering cholesterol: flaxseed
Linseed , usually taken aslinseed(ground flax), contains not only Omega -3 and Omega unsaturated fatty acids 6, but also both types of fiber: soluble and insoluble. The latter, together with fatty acids, not only lower the level of LDL cholesterol (while increasing the HDL fraction), but also blood sugar levels.
Additionally, linseed is the richest source of the so-called lignans. These are bioactive plant compounds that have the properties of sex hormones - estrogens, and have a positive effect on the circulatory system, reducing the risk of atherosclerosis.
How to prepare and drink linseed so that it works well?Read here: Flaxseed - nutritional properties

Herbs for lowering cholesterol: artichoke
Extract from leaves or rootsArtichokeCommon is a natural medicine that helps to maintain normal blood cholesterol levels. The main active substance of artichokes, i.e. cynarin, is responsible for this property. Cynarin inhibits the synthesis of cholesterol in the liver and accelerates its removal along with the bile. Cynarin can lower cholesterol by up to 60%!
How artichokes support slimming?Check it out here: Artichokes - nutritional properties

Cholesterol-lowering herbs: fenugreek
Fenugreekeffectively reduces the concentration of "bad" cholesterol, as well as triglycerides and VLDV (very low-density lipoproteins) thanks to the steroid saponins contained in it. These compounds increase the metabolism of cholesterol and its conversion in the liver into bile acids, and then accelerate their excretion. At the same time, saponins delay the absorption of fatty compounds, reducing the risk of developing atherosclerosis.
How to make a fenugreek poultice effective for leg swelling?We suggest here: Fenugreek - properties and application

Herbs for lowering cholesterol:milk thistle
The main ingredientmilk thistle , to which this herb owes its medicinal properties, is silymarin. The most important advantage of this compound is that it protects the liver against the effects of toxic compounds and makes the organ regenerate faster. Thus, silymarin prevents diseases such as cirrhosis and fatty liver. But not only! Silymarin also contributes to lowering cholesterol levels and inhibiting the development of atherosclerotic plaques.
What and when digestive problems can milk thistle cause?You can check it here: Healing properties of milk thistle

Cholesterol-lowering herbs: psyllium plantain
In the prevention of cholesterol, it is worth paying attention not so much to thepsyllium plantain , but to the shells of its seeds. They are one of the most popular natural intestinal regulating products. This is due to the fiber contained in the shells. In addition, pectin contained in the plantain fiber not only accelerates the excretion of bile along with the cholesterol it contains, but also prevents cholesterol from being reabsorbed by the body.
Before what diagnostic tests can you not take psyllium?Check it out here: Psyllium - properties and application