It would seem that the kidneys, which purify the blood of toxins and harmful metabolic products around the clock, are resistant and can do little to harm them. However, this is not true: certain products, especially food, can harm them, although not immediately: the effects of their negative impact on the kidneys may not appear until months or even years. Which products are the most harmful to the kidneys?
Products that harm the kidneysis an important topic. The kidneys, and more specifically the nephrons they contain, filter hundreds of liters of blood every day. This process, known as the glomerular filtration process, is very complicated: in short, part of the plasma passes through the glomerular capillaries in the kidney and, when cleaned, goes to the lumen of the glomerular capsule. The nephrons also produce urine, which then flows into the renal pelvis.
There are approximately one million nephrons in each kidney. In order for the kidneys to work unhindered, it is necessary that at least 30 percent. of this number worked properly.
Meanwhile, nephrons can be damaged due to various factors, including diseases, as well as the excess of harmful substances that reach them during the filtering process.
And when they are not working properly, there may be a very dangerous accumulation of toxins and harmful metabolic products. That is why it is worth avoidingproducts that damage the kidneys .
See which products harm the kidneys the most

S alt used without moderation
Excess s alt is very harmful to the kidneys, because it increases the amount of protein in the urine, promotes the deposition of kidney stones, also raises blood pressure (and increases the risk of hypertension), which is a straightforward pathway to kidney disease. Therefore, it is worth adding less s alt to dishes, but also pay attention to the s alt added to various dishes, e.g. cheese (including feta or gouda). Statistics show that despite the appeals of doctors, we still eat too much of it: a statistical Pole consumes an average of 7.5 g of s alt per day, while the amount recommended by WHO should not exceed 4-5 g.
Canned meat
It is a source of often dubious quality meat, most of which is canned in about 50 percent. The rest are fillers (e.g.ground tendons, etc.), modified starch, as well as substances that improve the smell, stabilizers, flavor enhancers, preservatives and a lot of s alt - in the composition of many canned food, it is listed in one of the initial positions. When eaten, they often put a heavy strain on the kidneys.
Fast food, Chinese soups, ready meals in jars
Foods of this type contain a lot of s alt: an average pizza or hamburger contains up to 10-15 g of s alt, which significantly exceeds its daily consumption.
French fries, kebabs and Chinese soups also contain a lot of s alt. Ready meals in jars, which you can buy in every supermarket, are also heavily s alted - if you find it difficult to eliminate them from your diet, it is worth at least reaching for those that have s alt in a far-off position in their composition.
Sweetened carbonated drinks
Sweetened carbonated drinks contain a lot of sugar, as well as dyes, aromas, substances that improve taste and aroma, preservatives. Such a cocktail harms the kidneys, increasing the risk of kidney stones, as shown in a study published in the Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology.
People who regularly drink sugary carbonated drinks are also much more likely to suffer from chronic kidney disease, the occurrence of which is also associated with other factors (e.g. diabetes or hypertension).
Vegetables rich in oxalates
Spinach, sorrel, rhubarb and beetroot are also enemies of he althy kidneys - these very he althy vegetables, by the way, contain a lot of oxalates: s alts and oxalic acid esters, which in the acidic environment of the kidneys can accumulate and form a precipitate, crystallizing then into kidney stones. Sand and kidney stones cause excruciating pain as they travel through the kidney tubules.
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
NSAIDs harm the kidneys when taken in large amounts as they reduce blood flow through the glomeruli. Therefore, it is worth limiting their amount: when you have a headache or you feel that something is taking you, do not automatically take the pill, but try home treatments first.
If you smoke a cigarette occasionally, the kidneys will be fine, because the smoke contains no nephrotoxic substances, i.e. substances that damage the kidneys. However, regular smoking of cigarettes causes serious damage to the kidneys indirectly, i.e. it increases the risk of kidney disease, including kidney cancer. It is also a factor that increases the risk of atherosclerosis, which also develops in the arteries of the kidneys and can cause kidney failure.
Excess protein in the diet
The fashionable high-protein diets have been a killer for the kidneys for some time: when digesting proteins, especially those of animal origin (meat, eggs, cottage cheese or cheese), the body produces ammonia and ketoacids, which are metabolized and excreted in some amount by the kidneys. However, the body is not able to remove them completely, so they can accumulate, burdening, inter alia, kidneys. For the he alth of your kidneys, it is better to limit these foods in your daily menu.
It is a myth that drinking beer has a great effect on the kidneys. Drinking from time to time will not hurt them, but if you drink it regularly, and in large amounts, it is. There are so many toxins in alcohol that this organ cannot keep up with its removal. Alcohol also raises blood pressure, which also has a negative effect on the kidneys.