Myocardial infarction is ischemia of the heart muscle, which in turn leads to its necrosis. Cardiovascular disease is one of the most common causes of death. Although we have no influence on some of the factors that increase the risk of a heart attack, many of them depend on us, so it is worth not to make basic mistakes. Here are 6 habits that hurt our heart.
Habits that increase the risk of a heart attack
Bad diet
Improper diet increases the risk of coronary heart disease and heart attack. It has been known for a long time that we are what we eat. Nutrition has a huge impact on our he alth and well-being, so we should pay special attention to the daily menu.
The heart is adversely affected by processed foods full of preservatives and fatty fast food. People who consume large amounts of s alt, which are hidden, for example, in canned food or s alty snacks, are at a greater risk of a heart attack.
Another tenet of a he althy diet for the heart is to reduce the consumption of animal products that contain high amounts of cholesterol.
S alty cold meats, fatty and fried meats are definitely better to replace with baked fish - it is worth choosing varieties rich in he althy omega 3 fats. Eating too little vegetables and fruit also has a negative impact on our he alth and contributes to the development of various types diseases, including an increased risk of a heart attack.
Overeating and obesity
In terms of nutrition, as in any other matter, use common sense. The World He alth Organization (WHO) is alarming that every year there are more and more people struggling with overweight or obesity. Eating too much unhe althy food significantly increases the risk of a heart attack.
In addition, overweight and obesity have a significant impact on the development of diabetes, which is a risk factor for cardiovascular disease.
Insufficient physical activity
Regular physical activity has a large impact on the proper functioning of the heart, and a dangerous habit that increases the risk of a heart attack is a sedentary lifestyle and avoiding sports.
No traffic maybelead to obesity, the development of diabetes mellitus and, consequently, to cardiovascular diseases. That is why regular exercise, preferably aerobic, is so important, as it improves the oxygen exchange in the body.
Moderate physical effort - even walking, swimming or cycling - 30 minutes minimum three times a week, recommended for everyone.
One of the more harmful habits that increase the risk of a heart attack is smoking. Nevertheless, many people still do not give up their addiction. The chemicals hidden in tobacco damage blood vessels and lead to the development of atherosclerosis.
In addition, carbon monoxide in cigarette smoke has a greater affinity for hemoglobin compared to oxygen, which contributes to an increase in blood pressure.
Excess nicotine in the body doubles the risk of a heart attack. In turn smokers who smoke a pack of cigarettes a day are four times more exposed to the risk of a heart attack.
Stress, rush and an unhe althy lifestyle increase the risk of a heart attack. Unfortunately, in the modern world it is not difficult to find an excess of nervous situations, during which the amount of adrenaline and cortisol increases in the body.
Thus, blood pressure increases, breathing increases and muscle tension increases.
Stress and too little sleep contribute to the development of coronary artery disease and arterial hypertension. That's why it's so important to learn to deal with nervous situations and find your own way to calm down.
Drinking alcohol
Chronic and long-term alcohol abuse contributes to:
- continuous increase in heart rate,
- high blood pressure,
- weakening of the heart muscle,
- which in turn can lead to a heart attack.
Although a glass of red wine has a positive effect on blood vessels in many cases, an excess of alcohol is not recommended.
See also:
- Symptoms of heart disease
- Do you know how to recognize arterial hypertension? Take the test and check your knowledge