Strong weakness after COVID-19 infection may persist for several months after the disease. How to get back in shape? What to do to feel better and to let go of the weakness that prevents you from functioning normally? One of the methods of strengthening the condition is a special training for convalescents, recommended by physiotherapist Michał Szałecki, who works with convalescents at the pulmonary hospital in Olsztyn.
People who have had COVID-19 may feel much weaker physically for several months. According to the PAP agency, Michał Szałecki, a physiotherapist working with convalescents from the pulmonology hospital in Olsztyn, told PAP: - Many people with COVID-19 infection coming to us to the hospital are not able to walk in the corridor for 6 minutes on a flat, even surface. Until now, physically fit people have experienced such a great decline in form that such an apparently simple activity as walking causes them trouble. Some are weakened so much that, even when they are infected mildly, they are unable to get out of bed on their own. Such people need help getting back into shape. - says.
Michał Szałecki, who rehabilitates people with a history of coronavirus infection, believes thatmany people with a decline in their condition after the infection can successfully rehabilitate themselves at home.
- We should start with the fact that we undertake rehabilitation after an infection, not during it. When we are sick, we should rest as much as possible - says Michał Szałecki.
In his opinion , walksare ideal exercises for people weakened after infection. - If someone has the strength and possibilities, he can take a walk at home or in the park. However, if there is not enough strength, you can walk around the apartment and even walk in the place, even in front of the TV - said the physiotherapist.
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He added that people with a history of infection often cope well with walking on flat surfaces. However, if they come across stairs or have to go up the hill, they get out of breath and out of breath. -Therefore, it is better to start improving your form by walking flat , gradually lengthen the distance, increase the pace and only when the form is a bitrise, take up the hill or stairs - says the expert.
Those people who have a treadmill at home should set a pace that will not tire them too much. Under no circumstances, however, should they start exercising at their pre-disease pace. - You should get back into shape gradually - emphasized the physiotherapist.
People who have trouble standing , unable to walk, may begin their recovery by cycling.
- Lying people can be rehabilitated on the so-called reclining bikes. You can also use spinning bikes and ordinary home bikes - emphasized Michał Szałecki, adding that also in the case of bicycles, as well as when walking, the training time and its intensity should be gradually extended.
People who feel in decline, but feel up to , are advised by a physical therapist to climb stairs. - A lot of people say that the stairs after COVID-19 are a real challenge. It is worth taking them: first go to the mezzanine, then to the second floor, and so every day higher and higher. Many people, after a few days of such training, observe an improvement in respiratory efficiency - claims Michał Szałecki.
The pulmonary hospital in Olsztyn has developed its own program of comprehensive interdisciplinary hospital and outpatient care for patients who have been infected with COVID-19. As part of this care, people who feel physically weak and have breathing problems undergo a series of tests and undergo outpatient or inpatient rehabilitation for 21 days.
The director of the facility, Irena Petryna, told PAP that the program of the so-called post-post-rehabilitation is an original project of the hospital. "The interest is enormous, the number of patients who require immediate assistance is very large" - admitted Irena Petryna. SOURCE: PAP