The military pension is granted to professional soldiers and functions in two versions, depending on the moment of starting the service. What are the differences and how much is the military pension?
Changes tomilitary pensionswere introduced several years ago. They divided the soldiers into two groups according to the date of entering the service. Military personnel who were employed after December 31, 2012 received the so-called new retirement. The rest, i.e. soldiers employed before January 1, 2013, are en titled to the so-called old retirement. What's the difference between the two benefits?
Old military pension
Old retirement pension is a benefit that a soldier is en titled to after 15 years of service. The amount of the old-age pension is 40 percent. last salary. For each additional year of service, a soldier receives 2.6 percent. to the basis of the old-age pension.
The pension also increases by another 2 percent. For each year of service, when the person using it served:
- in supersonic aircraft piloting,
- on submarines,
- as divers,
- in units responsible for combating terrorism,
- in sapper units,
- in special services,
- at the front in time of war or in a war zone.
The retirement pension after 15 years of service is also available to soldiers employed after January 1, 2013, who, however, previously served as a candidate, after which they moved to professional service or previously worked in uniformed services (police, UOP, ABW AW, etc.)
New military pension
The new military pension applies to people who were employed in the military after December 31, 2012. Soldiers are en titled to it after 25 years of service, who have reached 55 years of age.
The new retirement pension is 60% the amount of the last salary, there are also additional allowances - the same as for the old pension. The maximum amount of the old-age pension may be 75%. salary.
It is good to know that talks are ongoing to introduce changes to the applicable regulations. One of them is the lifting of age restrictions - the changes would apply from July 2022.
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