As a result of frequent headaches combined with nausea and vomiting, I had an MRI scan. It was diagnosed as Dandy-Walker Syndrome in the description. What is this syndrome and how to treat it?
Dandy-Walker syndrome is a developmental defect of the posterior cranial cavity, it consists in the closure of the so-called Magendi and Luschka openings (which normally connect the 4th ventricle with the subarachnoid space) and the lack of formation of the cerebellar worm. I know it sounds complicated. Further treatment depends on what is on the MR examination (hydrocephalus?), Are there symptoms of damage to the cerebellum, brain stem, cranial nerves? Generally, the treatment is operative as long as there are indications. However, since you have been living with it for so many years, probably nothing will happen. Personally, I suggest using diuramide.
Remember that our expert's answer is informative and will not replace a visit to the doctor.
Tomasz W. RosochowiczA specialist neurologist - he works in the provinces of Kujawsko - Pomorskie and Mazowieckie. He is passionate about neuropathology and neuroimmunology. I accept privately in Warsaw and Toruń - signups for a mobile visit: 0501 108-204.
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