Limba He alth Resort in Piwniczna-Zdrój welcomes patients with respiratory, musculoskeletal and digestive disorders. in the treatment process, it primarily uses the properties of magnesium-calcium-bicarbonate mineral water and peloid.

Sanatorium Uzdrowiskowe Limbais located in the center of Piwniczna-Zdrój, in the bend of the Poprad River. It is located on the sunny slope of the Kicarz Mountain, surrounded by a forest, in the vicinity of the spa park with numerous hiking trails and alleys.

Sanatorium Limba: treatment profile

  • diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract
  • locomotor organs
  • digestive system

The sanatorium also organizes rehabilitation and treatment stays for Amazons.

Sanatorium Limba: treatments

  • balneotherapy with the use of mineral waters (carbon dioxide baths, inhalations of mineral waters, massage and mouth rinsing), with the use of peloid (peloid baths and compresses, galvanoborovium), with the use of medicinal gases (baths in carbon dioxide and a mixture of oxygen -ozone)
  • climatotherapy: thalassotherapy, terrain therapy
  • hydrotherapy: bubble bath, whirlpool massage of upper and lower limbs, underwater massage, mantle spray
  • thermotherapy: local cryotherapy
  • light therapy: irradiation (local and general) with visible and ultraviolet light, polarized, low-energy laser (biostimulation laser), infrared radiation
  • ultrasound therapy: ultrasound treatments, phonophoresis
  • electrotherapy: treatments with direct current (electroplating, iontophoresis, electro-water bath, electrodiagnostics), with low-frequency impulse currents (diadynamic currents, transcutaneous TENS stimulation, Träbert's electrostimulation, tonolysis)
  • magnetotherapy
  • massages: classic partial, segmental, mechanical, lymphatic
  • treatments with the use of rehabilitation equipment
Worth knowing

During your stay in the sanatorium, it is worth finding time to see St. Kinga in Głębokie, Góra Kicarz, the spa park, the Piwniczanka mineral water pump room, the shepherd's hut by Wierchomla, the Orthodox church in Wierchomla and Zubrzyk; a cottage near Niemcowa. You can use the ski stations in Kokuszka, Wierchomla,Kosarzyska. Another attraction is the rafting on the Poprad River.

Sanatorium Limba: stay offer

  • accommodation: double rooms with full sanitary facilities (shower, washbasin, toilet)
  • food: 3 meals a day, diets: basic, easily digestible, diabetic and other depending on the patient's needs (presence of a dietitian)
  • medical care: doctor and nursing (24/7)

additional services

  • sauna
  • bonfires with a highlander band,
  • feasts with highlanders
  • domestic and foreign tours

Sanatorium Uzdrowiskowe LimbaFoundation of the Cooperative Social Fund for Rural Areas in Warsaw ul. Krynicka 333-350 PIWNICZNA-ZDRÓJ 18 446 42
