Although angina is mainly associated with summer, it is also easy to catch it in spring, when after winter more bacteria and viruses are circulating in the air, and we dress inappropriately for the changing aura. Check what are the symptoms of strep throat and how to treat it if it gets you after the winter.
The symptoms of anginacannot be mistaken for a cold, because in its course fever and sore throat are much more troublesome. If you recognize most of the symptoms below and a sore throat makes it difficult for you to eat or even swallow saliva, you are probably dealing with strep throat.
Symptoms of palatine tonsil angina
Angina may have a different course depending on its location. Typical tonsil angina differs significantly from lingual tonsil and sideband tonsillitis and tonsil tonsillitis. Typical tonsil angina:
- usually starts suddenly with a strong sore throat making it difficult to swallow. Pain radiates towards the ears
- usually has a high fever (over 38o ) and chills
- the neck and submandibular lymph nodes are enlarged and painful
- the only symptom similar to a cold is malaise, headache and general breakdown
Symptoms of tonsillitis
Angina of the pharyngeal tonsil in young children, especially infants, can give quite turbulent symptoms:
- high fever, up to 40 degrees C
- lack of appetite
- mucus stools
- meningeal symptoms
- convulsions
It occurs in older children and adults
- pain and burning in the throat
- obstruction and rhinitis
- cough
- body temperature is normal or slightly elevated
- swelling and redness of the pharyngeal tonsil and the mucosa of the back of the pharynx, along which the mucus-purulent discharge flows
- in more severe forms, there are also fibrin raids on the pharyngeal tonsil and enlargement and tenderness of the lymph nodes in the neck
Symptoms of lingual tonsil angina
Angina of the lingual tonsil and of the side bands occurs in people after tonsillectomy (removal - enucleation - of the palatine tonsils):
- sore throatradiating to the ears, intensifying when swallowing
- speech disorder
- lockstitch sometimes appears
- the inflammatory process of the lingual tonsil may move downwards towards the larynx and lead to shortness of breath
Symptoms of Plaut-Vincent's angina
Plaut-Vincent's ulcerative-membranous angina is much milder
- throat tightening
- slight pains when swallowing
- bad breath
- body temperature is usually not elevated, but sometimes low-grade fever occurs
- locally it is found, most often on one tonsil, in its upper pole, round, crater-like ulceration, sharply limited, covered with white-gray, yellow-brown or green deposits, quite easily removable. Touch ulcer bleeds easily
Symptoms of pneumococcal angina
Pneumococcal angina may be erythematous with reddening and swelling of the mucosa and serous exudate or with the presence of smooth, white-gray raids, quite strongly attached to the substrate and passing to the uvula and soft palate. With a yellowish tinge to blooms it can be difficult to distinguish them from diphtheria.