The he alth and well-being of patients depends on cooperation based on mutual respect between them and their doctors. It can be safely called an alliance in which the patient fulfills his duties (e.g. uses he alth services in accordance with current medical knowledge), and the doctor makes every effort and provides medical assistance in every case.
Doctors can best nurture their relationships with patients by acting as their he alth advocates and respecting their rights. Remember thatas a patient you have certain rights and privilegessuch as the right to access medical records and the right to keep this information confidential by your doctor. Some of these rights are included, inter alia, in the Constitution of the Republic of Poland and in several acts, incl. the Act on Patients' Rights and the Patient's Rights Ombudsman, the Act on Mental He alth and the Act on He althcare Services Financed from Public Funds.
Patient rights - you should know about them
Below we present a summary of information about patient's rights:
- You are en titled to primary he alth care financed from public funds.You can choose a family doctor by submitting a completed and signed form of declaration to the clinic of your choice.
- You have the right to information about your he alth and access to treatment . The doctor should provide you with accessible information about the diagnosis of the disease and its prognosis, as well as the proposed and possible diagnostic methods. It is his responsibility to explain why the procedure is necessary, what it will involve and how you should prepare for the surgery.
- You have the right to expectyour doctor to give you practical tipsregarding, for example, prophylaxis.
- You have the right to object to or to discontinue he alth benefits . A hospital stay requires a separate consent.
- You have the right to receive immediate medical care in a life-threatening emergency.Women are en titled to such immediate medical intervention without referral during childbirth.
- You are en titled to medical confidentiality .Each doctor takes the Hippocratic Oath, which contains the basics of medical ethics. This sentence is crucial in it and should be respected - and this is how it reads: "Whatever I see or hear from human life, during or outside treatment, that should not be announced outside, I will remain silent, keeping it secret." Remember that your he alth information is strictly confidential.
- You have the right to access medical records regarding your he alth condition and provided he alth services.After your death, only the person you authorized during your lifetime has the right to view these documents. Remember that after discharge from the hospital, you should receive an information card from a doctor, which includes the diagnosis of the disease, diagnostic test results, further treatment and appointments.
- You have the right to object to a doctor's decision andto obtain a second medical opinion . In justified cases, you can also request a medical consultation.
- You have the right to choose a hospital and have your relatives present during treatment.Also the right to be discharged from the hospital if you wish.
- You are en titled to free medical transport (including air transport) to the nearest facilitywith which the National He alth Fund has concluded an agreement for the provision of he althcare services. When are you en titled to sanitary transport? If there is an urgent need to maintain the treatment continuity and if the disease of the musculoskeletal system makes it impossible to use public transport.
- You are en titled to pastoral care in a hospitalor in nursing and care, care and treatment facilities, therapeutic rehabilitation or hospice institutions. The Constitution of the Republic of Poland guarantees the right to freedom of conscience and religion, regardless of the place of stay, residence or nationality. It is a possibility of contact with a spiritual person - this visit of the priest consists in common prayer and other religious practices in a situation of deterioration of he alth or life threatening conditions. Medical personnel should call a clergyman at the patient's request.
- You have the right to object to the donation of cells, tissues and organs after your deathfor transplant. Also, you don't have to agree to an autopsy after your death.
What are the privileges of patients?
- Only those who are necessary should provide medical help.Then they do not violate your dignity and provide you with the maximum possible sense of intimacy.
- You do not need to be referred to the following specialist doctors: gynecologist and obstetrician, oncologist, psychiatrist, venereologist and dentist.
- People addicted to alcohol, psychotropics and intoxicantshave the right to rehab without referral.
- Ask questions at the pharmacy -you have the right to information about a substitute drugwhich is cheaper than the prescribed one.
- You are en titled tofree pharmaceuticals and medical supplies during your inpatient treatmentin a medical facility.
- In the hospital, you have the right to deposit valuables.
You can read more about Patient Rights and where to turn in specific matters in"Super Express" .