Tick-borne diseases are not only Lyme disease and tick-borne encephalitis. There are many other tick-borne pathogens. Do you know them all?
In Poland, a large increase in the incidence of Lyme disease has been observed in recent years. Annually, there are about 40 thousand. new infections. This is mainly due to the increase in the number of ticks infected with Lyme disease and the increased awareness of patients and doctors about the disease.
Tick-borne encephalitis is also diagnosed more and more often. Every year, between 200 and 300 cases of TBE are detected in Poland. However, these are not the only diseases transmitted by ticks.
Do you know what else you can get infected from a tick? Do you know ways to protect against ticks? Answer the questions and see what level of knowledge you have about tick-borne diseases.
Check how to properly remove the tick