Affirmation aims not only to attract to us what we want, but also to strengthen our self-esteem. According to some, affirmations make absolutely no sense and they are only empty repetitions of some phrases, while others argue that affirmation accelerates the realization of dreams, but also allows you to deal with the hardships of everyday life more easily. Check what an affirmation is, see how to apply it and learn about examples of affirmation.
- Affirmation: what is it?
- Affirmation: how to apply it?
- Affirmation: examples
Affirmationis a term that comes from the Latin word "affirmatio", translated as affirmation or consent to something. Many psychology specialists have de alt with this issue, but the person responsible for popularizing affirmation in the 1980s is the psychologist Claude Steele.
Affirmation: what is it?
Affirmation is usually a simple sentence that is supposed to remind people about their desires, and also to accelerate their implementation. It may seem absurd - after all, each of us knows our dreams and what would change the fact that they will be spoken?
Well, it can change that much, and a lot. It happens that we really want something, but sometimes we don't know what it is. New car? An apartment? Or maybe dreams relate to other aspects, such as the desire to create a permanent emotional relationship based on mutual trust? This is sometimes where the problem of people who lack something in life - they themselves are not able to specify what kind of deficiencies they suffer from. There is no need to explain here that if someone does not know what they are striving for, they simply cannot achieve it.
Here finally comes an explanation of the role of affirmations. First, thanks to their creation, a person finally becomes fully aware of what he is striving for. Secondly, affirmations bring the realization of desires closer and closer. Affirmation - after it is created - should be repeated regularly aloud or in mind.
Of course, it's not thataffirmation is to be in the head like some obsessive thought that does not leave the human head even for a moment. The main point here is to repeat your affirmation regularly - e.g. every day, every morning and evening, at home in front of the mirror.
Affirmation: how to apply it?
Theoretically, creating an affirmation is quite easy, in practice - not necessarily. First of all, we first need to seriously consider what we care about and what our goals are. Only when they are precisely defined will there be chances that actually regular repetition of affirmations will lead to some changes in our lives.
Affirmations are aimed not only at improving our material condition, but also allow us to come to terms with ourselves. Typically, indeed, affirmations relate to a better job, getting a dream car or going abroad. However, affirmation can also be used to change the way you see yourself. Let's take a simple example here - a person who is still struggling with complexes regarding the appearance of his own face can - just by repeating the appropriate affirmation - eventually lead to their disappearance.
Once what our desires are, it becomes possible to move on to constructing the sentence itself, which will be our affirmation. There are many important things here - attention is paid to, for example, that there are no words in the future tense in the affirmation (e.g. "I will", "I will get"), but that it should be embedded in the present ("I am", "I am getting" ).
Sometimes dreams are very strictly defined - e.g. we dream of one specific car model - when creating an affirmation, it is not worth limiting ourselves very strictly. The truth is that repeating an affirmation is supposed to attract good things to us: who finally knows, or maybe a different vehicle would be definitely better for us?
So sometimes it's better to start with the whole - instead of going into very small details right away - and wait for what fate will bring. General goals are much easier to achieve than specific goals - the implementation of individual desires, in turn, makes us gain motivation to set ourselves new challenges.
Affirmation: examples
A lot of theories have been described so far, now it's time to move on to the examples - thanks to them, understanding what exactly affirmations are should not be difficult at all. Affirmations can be sentences such as:
- "I am in full strength and my he alth does not differ from the norm";
- "I drive a new, functional car that I have been dreaming about for a long time";
- "I look good -I don't have excessive kilos ";
- "I am surrounded by friendly, trusted people";
- "I am in a relationship with a man who respects me and whom I can trust";
- "I do well paid, but most of all rewarding job";
- "I'm going on vacation to a place I've always wanted to visit";
- "I have a lot of energy and I don't complain about fatigue."
It should be emphasized here that the above are only examples of affirmations - in fact, each person may have separate plans or dreams around which his sentences will focus, and therefore his affirmations may be completely different.
Worth knowingAffirmation: is it worth using?
People who keep their feet on the ground, seeing the above text, may have in their heads the thought that affirmations are total nonsense. How could you say the same words many times to make your dreams come true? Yes, words alone will not change anything in life, but it is about something else: how affirmations affect the psyche.
Well, thanks to affirmations, there may be a feeling of self-acceptance above all. By repeating them, a person can gain greater self-confidence and gain motivation to act - it is thanks to the aforementioned plans and dreams that can finally be realized. So is it worth dealing with affirmations? There is no clear answer to this question, but in general they should not be harmful.