Protein is an important component of a child's diet. Parents often don't know that quantity and quality play a key role in toddlers' nutritional programming. Protein deficiency or excess can equally hamper a he althy start into the future.
On May 11, 2016, at the initiative of Nestlé, a debate was held on the role of protein in epigenetic nutritional programming. Experts participating in it - dr hab. n. med. Iwona Wybrańska (prof. Jagiellonian University, molecular biologist), dr. med. Małgorzata Gołkowska (neonatologist, pediatrician), dr hab. n. med. Robert Śmigiel (pediatrician, geneticist) and mgr inż. Dorota Gawrońska - a human nutrition specialist at Nestlé Nutrition - analyzed the influence of the right proportions of this nutrient important for the organism of the youngest.
During the debate, the speakers often referred to the need to educate parents and make them aware of the basic principles of nutrition, and above all, the importance of shaping correct habits at the earliest possible stage in a child's life. They recognized that the immediate environment of a little person may affect the expression of his genes, and this is of fundamental importance in the process of caring for his proper development and he alth in the future. Parents have an extremely important task - vigilant observation of the development of their toddlers and taking care of providing them with nutrients - necessary, for example, for proper, harmonious growth.

-Overweight and obesity are a growing he alth problem, which is why there is a growing interest in methods of preventing their occurrence. Recently, particular importance has been attached to the theory of early metabolic programming, which assumes that exposure to various experiences, including nutritional, in the so-called critical periods of pre- and postnatal life, programs individual development and he alth in later, even distant, years of life. Many observational and epidemiological studies have shown that there is a relationship between birth weight or nutrition early in life (including too rapid weight gain in the first months of life) and the risk of obesity, hypertension, diabetes and death from the disease. of ischemic heart disease- noted in her lecture Dr. Małgorzata Gołkowska.
Dr hab. n. med. Iwona Wybrańska emphasized the missionpromoting the importance of appropriate proportions of protein in the diet and shaping nutritional habits from the beginning of a child's life, and dr hab. Robert Śmigiel pointed out the impact of conscious parents' decisions on the harmonious development process of the youngest, and above all on the prevention of diet-related diseases.
Take care of the right amount and quality of protein in your child's diet
Before the age of 6 months, a baby doubles its birth weight and even triples it within a year. During this time, its body length also increases by half. In order for all these processes to run harmoniously and give a young person a good start in life, the goal of every mother should be to provide him with the right amount of protein - taking into account its equally important quality. Protein is an important building material, often compared to the foundation of the building, which is the human body. In order for it to climb proportionally upwards, the appropriate proportions of the individual ingredients must be kept. It is similar with our little ones - for the process of their growth to run properly, their diet should provide optimal amounts of individual nutrients - you should avoid deficiencies, but also excesses of each of them.
Worth knowing-Raising a child, caring for it to be he althy and happy is a great challenge for parents. For years, Nestlé Nutrition has been trying to develop such formulas of products for infants and young children that help build the foundations of a he althy diet and proper development. I do not hide that we believe in the improvement of the disturbing data on the quality of our children's nutrition, we also believe in the power of educational programs - nowadays children receive much more protein than they need- emphasizes MSc. Dorota Gawrońska, human nutrition specialist at Nestlé Nutrition. -Keeping an eye on your protein intake is fundamental. That is why Nestlé through its next milk NAN OPTIPRO®2 promotes the principle - not too little, but not too much. Just in time! This is a high quality of protein with the lowest possible level, obtained thanks to a unique technology developed in our laboratories- he adds.
We have a great chance to educate a conscious generation of young people, instilling in them he althy eating habits already in their infancy and childhood. The Nestlé company, referring to 150 years of experience and many years of scientific research, has developed a unique technology of obtaining the OPTIPRO®protein and believes that thanks to this it contributes to an important issue for all of us - care for a he althy start into the future of the little ones. Let's support each other in this unique mission.
PARTNERSHIP ACTION (source:Nestle Nutrition press materials)