Oat tea is becoming more and more popular, thanks to touting it as a slimming agent. Oat infusion helps with kidney problems, including urolithiasis. Is it worth introducing oat products to your menu permanently? Check it out.
Oat or oatmeal teais very he althy, although not very popular. You can make it yourself at home, and in a simple way. Oat tea has many he alth-promoting properties - first of all, it improves digestion, speeds up metabolism, helps fight constipation, and even eliminates inflammation in the intestines.
Oatmeal tea has a positive effect on the entire body - we find in it the same substances as in oatmeal, i.e. large amounts of B vitamins, large amounts of fiber, vitamin E, vitamin K, calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus , potassium, sodium, zinc and copper. Thanks to this, oatmeal tea will have a positive effect on the work of the brain and improve concentration, help lower the level of bad cholesterol, improve the condition of the skin, strengthen immunity, and can help you lose unnecessary kilograms.
Oatmeal tea can also help with ailments related to water retention in the body, has a diuretic effect and, thanks to the presence of linoleic acid and beta-glucan (soluble dietary fiber), prevents the development of atherosclerosis and heart attacks.
Oat infusion and oat water also have similar he alth properties, which you can read more abouthere: Oat water - is it worth drinking? How To Make Oat Water?
Oats are recommended in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, such as irritable bowel syndrome, gastritis, and its water extracts expectorant and relieve pain in rheumatic diseases, urolithiasis and kidney diseases.
Oatmeal tea - recipe
- 600 ml of water,
- 100 g organic oatmeal,
- 25 g honey,
- cinnamon stick.
- Add oatmeal and cinnamon to boiling water.
- Cook everything for 30 minutes.
- After this time, leave the covered pot aside for an hour.
- Strain and the resulting liquid can be drunk.
It is recommended to drink oat tea 3 times a day (before each meal) for three days inweek.
Oat infusion - recipe
Oats can also be madebrew, or actually a decoction.For this, please prepare:
- glass of oat grains (with husk),
- liter of filtered water.
- Rinsed oats pour water and leave overnight.
- In the morning, cook with a lid on low heat for about 20 minutes.
- After it has cooled down, filter everything out and it's ready.
We also drink the decoction before a meal, not longer than a month!