In early March, the Ministry of He alth published a new list of drugs and medical devices that cannot be exported abroad. They can be helpful in fighting the coronavirus. What's in the list?

The Ministry of He alth regularly publishes a list of medicinal products, medical devices and foodstuffs for special food purposes at risk of unavailability on the territory of Poland. The so-called The "anti-export list" includes drugs that are missing in 5 percent of pharmacies in a given voivodeship. Such information about shortages in supply is reported to the Main Pharmaceutical Inspectorate by provincial pharmaceutical inspectors. From there, the information is sent to the Ministry of He alth.

What's in the latest "export list"?

The latest list was released on March 5th and has been updated due to the threat of the SARS CoV-2 coronavirus outbreak. As Deputy He alth Minister Maciej Miłkowski explains on Twitter, the list is of a preventive nature.

The list has 1324 items, it has been added, inter alia, the following drugs and medical devices:

  • antiviral drugs (including rimantadina, ritonavir, lopinavir)
  • antipyretic and analgesic drugs (containing e.g. acetylsalicylic acid, dexibuprofen, dexketoprofen, diclofenac, ibuprofen, ketoprofen, meloxicam, metamizole, naproxen, paracetamol),
  • antimalarial drugs (Arechin),
  • medical caps,
  • aprons,
  • needles,
  • masks,
  • gloves,
  • syringes,
  • electronic thermometers.

The list so far includes: medical devices for diabetics, people with hypertension, asthmatics, people with atopic dermatitis, people with epilepsy, hypothyroidism and many others.

Importantly, the export ban applies to large amounts of drugs and medical devices. When crossing the border, we have the right to have small amounts of medication with us for our own use.

See the full list of drugs and medical devices at risk of unavailability in Poland>>>

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