The Act of March 2, 2022 on special solutions related to the prevention, prevention and combating of COVID-19, other infectious diseases and the emergencies caused by them is already in force. Since it can also affect your life, it is worth knowing what provisions and regulations it contains.
- Coronavirus Act: Provisions for Parents and Patients
- Coronavirus Act: Danger Zones
The government bill was prepared in connection with the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus epidemic and the avalanche increase in the number of cases in Europe, also in Poland. The act was passed by the Sejm and the Senate, it was also published in the Journal of Laws. It is worth knowing how the provisions contained in it may affect our everyday life: work, childcare, medical visits.
Coronavirus Act: Provisions for Parents and Patients
A special act significantly regulates the issues of work, childcare and the rules of providing medical care in connection with the spread of the COVID-19 disease.
- The act states that in order to prevent COVID-19 disease, the employer may instruct the employee to perform duties remotely from home.
- The next entry is important for parents: in the event of the closure of a nursery, children's club, kindergarten or school, the parent who then takes care of the child has the right to an additional care allowance (not longer, however, than before 14 days). This entry applies to parents of children up to the age of 8.
- The act also defines the rules for the provision of medical care in connection with the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus and the rules for financing these services. The act stipulates that the minister of he alth, on the basis of information provided by the Chief Pharmaceutical Inspector, will determine and provide in a special announcement the maximum prices for products that can be used in connection with counteracting the COVID-19 epidemic. They include, among others certain medicinal products, medical devices or foodstuffs for particular nutritional uses.
- One of the provisions important from the point of view of patients is also the one about the possibility of issuing a pharmaceutical prescription - a pharmacist authorized to practice can do it ina patient's he alth related to COVID-19.

Together Against Coronavirus
Coronavirus Act: Danger Zones
The act also stipulates that in the absence of certain medicinal products, medical devices or foodstuffs for particular nutritional uses, the minister of he alth may limit their quantity per patient. The act also includes a provision changing the content of the act of 5 December 2008 on preventing and combating infections and infectious diseases in humans (Journal of Laws of 2022, items 1239 and 1495, and of 2022, item 284 and 322) and defining the epidemic zones. According to it:
- zone zero - this is the area where the epidemic has occurred, located directly around the virus outbreak, subject to restrictions, in particular prohibitions, orders and controls;
- buffer zone - this is the area around the zero zone, subject to restrictions, in particular prohibitions or orders regarding the movement of people;
- danger zone - an area where there is a possible risk of an epidemic;
- threatened area - the area of one or more units of territorial division of a country or an area defined otherwise than by reference to units of territorial division of the country;
- quarantine facility - a separate structure for temporary stay of sick or suspected persons, in which quarantine is carried out.
The Act also specifiesrules for hospitalization and quarantine . According to them, sick or suspected people may be subject to compulsory hospitalization, and he althy people who have had contact with sick people are subject to compulsory quarantine or epidemiological supervision, if such a decision is issued by a sanitary inspection authority, for a period not longer than 21 days ( counting from the last day of contact), whereby both quarantine and epidemiological surveillance may be repeatedly applied to the same person until the sanitary inspection confirms that there is no threat to he alth or life. It also provides that - if "the use of other forces and means is impossible or may turn out to be insufficient", the Minister of National Defense may delegate military units to the Chief Sanitary Inspector or voivode.
Source: Sejm
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