The 2nd Exercise is Medicine Congress will be held in Warsaw on October 18-20, 2019. Once again, experts from around the world will share the latest knowledge on the role of physical activity in the fight against civilization diseases. The program includes session on mental he alth, urogynecology and sports activity of the elderly. Participants will be able to supplement their theoretical knowledge in a practical way as part of the Medical Fitness Convention and specialist workshops.

The latest global research shows that 50 percent the state of our he alth corresponds to the way we live. This means not only a huge impact that we ourselves have on the prevention of civilization diseases, but also in the event of the appearance of these diseases, what influence we have on their milder course.

It turns out that a he althy lifestyle has a greater impact on the prevention of civilization diseases than previously believed. A properly balanced diet, not smoking, and most of all avoiding a sedentary lifestyle in favor of moderate physical activity, has an impact on the condition and length of our lives.

Movement supports healing

Recently, there has been a lot of research confirming the influence of physical activity on the maintenance of he alth and fitness. It turns out that properly selected exercise not only significantly reduces the risk of such civilization diseases as diabetes, depression or cancer, but also supports their treatment and helps in faster recovery. Therefore, the World He alth Organization recommends 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise per week or 75 minutes per week of high-intensity aerobic exercise. Depending on the state of he alth, these standards may differ for people struggling with cancer. It all depends on the stage of treatment, the patient's well-being and the initial physical condition.

Meanwhile, only 5% of Poles regularly practice sports, 23% with some regularity, and 18% sometimes, and more than half (54%) lead a sedentary lifestyle. In the EU, the percentage of active people is around 40%. which shows that in Poland the awareness of the impact of exercise on our he alth is still insufficient. However, in Poland there is no research that would say how long (how many minutes) Poles play sports. Such studies would show how far our compatriots are from the WHO recommendation and how muchwe have some catching up to do in this regard.

Recipe for movement

Exercise is Medicine is a global movement initiated by the American Society of Sports Medicine, which aims to raise public awareness of the impact of physical activity on he alth and preventing civilization diseases. The intention of the founders is also to create a platform for cooperation on the patient-doctor and patient-trainer lines.

"The idea is that a person with a disease should be able to obtain support in a doctor's office and receive a prescription for movement tailored to their needs. Then, under the supervision of the trainer, to implement this recipe for movement in an appropriate way. " - says Anna Mrożek, Exercise is Medicine Polska. What is important is the fact that the idea of ​​Exercise is Medicine does not focus on rehabilitation or treatment of injuries and recovery, e.g. after an accident, but on recreational movement, sports activity carried out systematically throughout life, i.e. changing habits and changing lifestyle. .

Congress for professionals

Scheduled for the end of October, the 2nd Exercise is Medicine Congress is addressed primarily to professionals - doctors, fitness trainers, physiotherapists, as well as psychologists and nutritionists. The event aims to share the latest knowledge and practices from around the world on the he alth benefits of movement. This year, the event will be attended by 30 speakers from 6 countries. The leading topics will include the impact of exercise on mental he alth, the role of physical activity in the rehabilitation of urogynecological diseases (NTM, pelvic floor muscle disorders), as well as the selection of physical activity for the elderly.

As last year, the lecture and theoretical part of the congress will be accompanied by a practical part, implemented under the 2nd Medical Fitness Convention,

"The convention was created primarily for trainers and physiotherapists. Each workshop consists of a short 15-minute theoretical introduction and 30 minutes of demonstration exercises. This year, as part of the Convention, we have planned, inter alia, trainings for seniors, safe training for pregnant women or the more and more popular zogi trainings (a type of yoga recommended in cancer diseases). " says Małgorzata Perl, Exercise is Medicine Polska.

The intention of the event organizers is to provide knowledge about the impact of exercise on the course of chronic diseases, as well as its preventive role in maintaining he alth. Therefore, during the event, as part of debates with the participation of experts and special guests, a discussion will be held on the necessary system changes in the field ofpublic he alth so that societies can have a greater impact on their he alth, quality and life expectancy.

Debates are planned during this year's event. It is planned, inter alia, panel "Can you change the he alth habits of Poles through planned physical activity?" with the participation of, among others representatives of the Ministry of He alth, the Ministry of Sport and Tourism, the National He alth Fund, the National Institute of Public He alth, representatives of the he alth and fitness business and scientists in the field of changing he alth habits.

Organizers and patronage

The Congress is organized by Exercise is Medicine Polska and the Zaskoczeni Wiekiem Foundation. The substantive quality of the congress is supervised by the scientific council composed of: Prof. dr hab. n. med. Marek Kuch, prof. n. dr hab. k. phys. Ewa Kozdroń, prof. dr hab. n. med. Artur Mamcarz, prof. dr hab. psychology Aleksandra Łuszczyńska, prof. dr hab. Krzysztof J. Filipiak, MD, FESC. And among the speakers of world-renowned experts in various fields of medicine, fitness, public he alth, among others Dr. Martin Gibala - specialist in interval training and the impact on the prevention of chronic diseases, Dr. Becca Jordre - specializing in physical activity of the elderly, organizer of the Olympics for Seniors, and the originator Dr. Abdallahi N'DONGO - one of the world's greatest authorities in the field of urogynecology and promoter of pelvic floor exercises.

Patronage over the event: Rector of the Medical University of Warsaw, prof. Mirosław Wielgoś, SWPS University, National Institute of Public He alth, Academy of Physical Education. Marshal Józef Piłsudski in Warsaw, Polish Olympic Committee, Institute of Mother and Child, Institute of Food and Nutrition, Polish Lifestyle Society, Polish Society of Sports Medicine, Supreme Medical Chamber. Honorary Patronage of the Minister of He alth.

2. Kongres Exercise is Medicine, October 18-20, Medical University of Warsaw. Registration: The program is available at:
