VERIFIED CONTENTAuthor: Katarzyna Wieczorek-Szukała, MD, PhD, medical biotechnologist, Medical University of Lodz

While there is widespread belief that a glass of wine a day may be beneficial to your he alth, the latest research from scientists shows that there are no "he althy" doses of alcohol. It always remains a poison, doing more harm than potential benefit. How is it really? Can a daily drink for relaxation be a real he alth risk?

Alcohol has been around for centuries, but relatively recently, its real impact on our he alth and the condition of tissues has been studied. Studies of the Mediterranean and French populations have repeatedly emphasized the beneficial effects of small doses of alcohol consumed, for example, with meals. However, the latest research shows that daily alcohol consumption is not necessarily that good for your he alth.

French style good he alth

French cuisine is rich in fatty cheeses and meats, i.e. dishes with a high content of saturated fats. Nevertheless, in this society, diseases of the cardiovascular system and diabetes are relatively rarely diagnosed.

The beneficial effect was attributed to red wine, which the French consume regularly in small amounts almost with every meal. In fact, red wine, apart from the pure ethanol fraction, also contains a non-alcoholic fraction, rich in e.g. in tannins, anthocyanins, as well as flavonoids (especially resveratrol and quercetin). These natural compounds are scientifically proven to work:

  • antioxidant,
  • lowering blood pressure,
  • sealing blood vessels,
  • antiatherosclerotic.

Studies conducted on thousands of volunteers emphasize that moderate consumption of red wine can lower the risk of atherosclerosis by up to 37%, increase insulin sensitivity and lower triglyceride levels by about 10%.

Despite such optimistic data, many scientists now question the protective effect of red wine on our he alth. It is still unknown whether the beneficial effects of the ethanol present in the wine or the natural compounds derived from the fermentation of grapes have a beneficial effect. It should also not be forgotten that what is good for the heart and circulatory system can harm other organs, e.g.liver.

What does WHO say about the harmful effects of alcohol?

According to estimates by the World He alth Organization (WHO), alcohol is one of the most important he alth risk factors for Europeans. The latest research results leave no doubt that ethanol consumption leads to the development of numerous diseases, including:

  • neurological,
  • mental,
  • digestive system,
  • Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS),
  • cancer.

Although the risk of developing potential diseases depends most often on the amount of the drink consumed, it cannot be completely eliminated even with smaller doses.

The organ that is most sensitive to the effects of ethanol is the liver, which is involved in the body's detoxification processes. Regular drinking, even in small amounts, depending on genetic predisposition and other harmful coexisting factors, accelerates the fibrosis of the liver parenchyma and reduces its ability to regenerate.

The daily "poisoning" of the liver with drinks can have particularly dramatic effects in old age, when the natural mechanisms of tissue self-renewal no longer work as efficiently as in youth.

The results of studies on the effects of small but regular doses of alcohol on women's he alth are also alarming. Women who drank an average of a small glass of beer or a glass of wine a day showed a significantly higher risk of breast cancer.

So far, it is not known exactly why this is happening. The possible reason seems to be the fact that the ethanol present in the blood disturbs the proper functioning of hormones.

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Is alcohol poison?

Experts indicate that the harmfulness of alcohol, as well as the side effects it can cause, depends largely on the dose taken. Such statements often lull the vigilance of many high-alcohol alcohol lovers, convinced that one innocent drink a day is definitely not harmful.

Interestingly, the latest research shows that the negative effects of alcohol consumption do not increase linearly with the amount consumed, but rather that it is a J-shape relationship. In other words, at some point in our lives, the alcohol we drink every day may turn out to be much more harmful to our body than, for example, a year earlier. It depends mainly on other comorbidities or risk factors (unhe althy diet, cigarettes or chronic stress).

Additionally, the paradox of keeping your alcohol consumption low isis that, as with all psychoactive substances that result in pleasurable sensations, most people begin to gradually increase them.

People who drink regularly increase the so-called alcohol tolerance, and the body gets used to the dose. Therefore, you need to drink more than before to feel the expected effect of improving your mood and relaxation.

Based on the results of many years of research conducted by WHO, doses of alcohol were estimated that should not pose a he alth risk or lead to addiction. With daily alcohol consumption, both men and women are advised to abstain at least 2 days a week, preferably the following day after day.

Thanks to this, the body should have enough time to deal with the harmful effects of the substances, equalize the water level and regenerate.

In addition, you should not consume more than:

in one day
  • 2 beers with a capacity of 0.5 liters / or 2 glasses of wine / or 120 ml of pure vodka (for men)
  • one 0.5 liter beer / or 1 glass of wine / or 60 ml of vodka (for women).

Of course, these are approximate doses, because the effect of alcohol on a given organism is often very individual. This pattern also by no means applies to adolescents who should not consume alcohol at all.

Changes in the body caused by the regular consumption of small doses of alcohol

Potentially greater risk of cancer development or slow fibrosis of the liver parenchyma are changes taking place inside our body, which is why many people will probably not notice them on a daily basis.

However, with regular consumption of small doses of alcohol, can you observe visible changes in the appearance or functioning of the body? Unfortunately, yes, and they are definitely not beneficial.

Gradual dehydration

The ethyl alcohol in all alcoholic beverages is a diuretic. Consuming 25 grams of ethanol in the form of about 2 small drinks will result in the loss of up to 0.5 liters of water during the next few hours.

Our body consists of water in as much as 60%, and any loss of it translates into metabolic disorders, electrolyte and hormonal imbalances. Mood disturbances, irritability, apathy, or recurring headaches can also be a direct consequence of dehydration.

Skin aging

Human skin consists of even 1/5 of water. The decrease in the water level in the tissues is first visible on the delicate skin of the face. Especially in women with skinis significantly thinner than in men, regularly consumed alcohol can leave its mark in the form of blue shadows under the eyes and puffiness.

Sensitive areas of the skin are also more likely to develop expression lines, irritation or discoloration when dehydrated. In the next stages of dehydration, the skin will gradually lose its elasticity, natural shade and … noticeably faster aging.

Weight gain

Both low and high alcohol alcohols are a source of empty calories. Half a liter of beer contains 150 to 200 kcal, while drinks additionally enriched with dyes and sugar can have even more of them.

Alcohol is treated by our body as a substance completely unnecessary and devoid of nutritional values, therefore most of the energy obtained from it is put aside - in the form of adipose tissue.

Drinks with alcohol levels also increase the appetite and increase the feeling of hunger. With a glass of a drink, we more often reach for s alty snacks and fast-food, which, with a sedentary lifestyle or office work, is a guaranteed recipe for exceeding the daily caloric requirement.

Additionally, alcohol can lower the metabolic rate by up to several dozen percent. Considering that the metabolic rate decreases most frequently with age and with inappropriate habits - drinking alcohol every day will certainly not be conducive to maintaining a slim figure.

Impairment of fertility

Regular drinking of alcohol can also impair fertility (in both women and men). Studies of men who consumed "only" 140g of pure ethanol per week (i.e. about 7-8 half-liter beers) showed a significantly higher percentage of abnormally developed sperm, which may also indicate potential damage to the genetic material - i.e. DNA.

Although alcohol did not reduce the natural mobility of sperm and their number, men who start trying for a child are advised to abstain 3 months earlier (until the formation of a new generation of sperm).

Although changes occurring in the body with the daily consumption of alcohol, even in small amounts, may be difficult to notice, the long-term effects of this toxin must not be forgotten.

In combination with other risk factors, so characteristic of developed societies, contained in ordinary wine or beer, ethanol can turn out to be the proverbial drop that will make the balance.
