More and more often it is said that drinking wine brings a number of various he alth benefits. But what kind of wine should you choose so as not to harm yourself? What amounts of wine are reasonable and when is it best to drink it? We asked an expert - cardiologist Marcin Ogórka, the director of the Medical Center in Łódź, for his statement.
Which wine is he althier for the heart - white or red?
Dr. Marcin Ogórek: "Red wine is definitely he althier for the heart. Contrary to white wine, it contains polyphenols - substances with antioxidant properties that have a positive effect on the he alth of the heart. the heart and the entire circulatory system. In red wine there are even ten times more antioxidants than in white ".
How does reasonable wine affect the heart?
Dr. Marcin Ogórek: "Strong antioxidant effect of substances contained in wine, protects cell DNA against aging and destroys oxygen free radicals responsible for coronary heart disease.Polyphenols help to reduce bad cholesterol, reduce blood pressure and thus prevent heart attack. Alcohol in moderate amounts dilates the coronary vessels, thus increasing the supply of oxygen and nutrients to the heart " .
What are the other known aspects of wine's he alth effects?
Dr. Marcin Ogórek: "The positive influence is not limited to the heart, red wine is also helpful in preventing diseases of the entire cardiovascular system. in red wine they have anti-atherosclerotic and anticoagulant properties, prevent clumping of platelets and oxidation of bad cholesterol
The antihypertensive effect is also important. The whole body benefits from red wine, not just the cardiovascular system. It has a positive effect on the digestive system, improves blood supply, and when drunk with meals it increases salivation and the production of digestive enzymes. Antioxidants also help nourish and moisturize the skin. "
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18-99 years oldcmkgWhat dosages are reasonable, can you drink them every day?
Dr. MarcinCucumber: "A very important issue - the he alth-promoting effect is demonstrated by red wine consumed with a meal. It should not be consumed occasionally in large amounts - then it will not show the above-mentioned effect, and may be harmful. The optimal drinking is one glass of red wine with the main meal. Unless there are contraindications. These include: pregnancy and breastfeeding, liver and pancreatic diseases, but also allergies, asthma and migraines. "