Hello, on August 5, 2014 my wife did a pregnancy test, which was positive (2 lines), the next day she did the test again and the result was the same as the day before. On August 6, 2014, during a visit to the gynecologist, after an ultrasound examination, the doctor stated that he could not see anything. He recommended HCG blood test, the next day my wife did it and the result: 417. She called the doctor and he said that it was probably a pregnancy after all. He recommended repeating the test after a few days. The wife did the examination on 08/12/2014 and the result: 1619. Then she went to the doctor and after the ultrasound examination the doctor still does not see anything. He told his wife it might be an ectopic pregnancy. The wife returned from the doctor and cried all afternoon. Now we are both worried that the doctor is right and we will not have a baby, but I am personally surprised by the fact that since the ultrasound doctor cannot see anything, then if the embryo was implanted in a different place than it should be, it would be visible, and the doctor would not see anything. he can't see anywhere. Is there a chance that at the moment the embryo is just too small for us to notice it? My wife and I have been trying to get a child for a short time, i.e. we started on vacation on July 10, 2014 - July 20, 2014. My wife's last period was between June 28, 2014 and July 6, 2014. After returning from vacation, between 26/07/2014 and 03/08/2014, my wife had slight spotting that did not resemble the period. I would like to add that she did not feel any pain in her lower abdomen, only complained about very sensitive and aching breasts. Please answer me as we are both very worried. The wife is scared that if it is an ectopic pregnancy, she will have surgery. Regards and thank you. Marcin

The embryo in the ultrasound examination is visible only at the betaHCG level above 2000 or 4000 IU / ml (depending on the apparatus). At 1600, it may not be visible anywhere. I advise you to wait quietly for the next test. The increase in betaHCG is like a normally developing pregnancy. The embryo should be visible in the uterus in the following week.

Remember that our expert's answer is informative and will not replace a visit to the doctor.

Barbara Grzechocińska

Assistant professor at the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at the Medical University of Warsaw. I accept privately in Warsaw at ul. Krasińskiego 16 m 50 (registration is available every day from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.).

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