Kennel cough is a disease that spreads extremely easily: when one dog gets sick, everyone around him is soon sick. Because it is caused by different microbes, it goes by different names. What is kennel cough and how is it manifested, how to treat kennel cough in dogs?
- Kennel cough: pathways of infection
- Symptoms of kennel cough
- Mileage kennel cough
- Treatment of kennel cough
- Vaccination against kennel cough
Kennel cough , parainfluenza, bordetella are different terms for the same, dangerous and contagious disease of the upper respiratory tract - infectious tracheitis and bronchitis, which dogs suffer from regardless of age or gender or race.
Kennel cough is caused by both bacteria and viruses, most commonly Adenoviruses type 2, whooping cough bacteria Bordetella bronchiseptica and influenza viruses - Parainfluenza canis. Usually, the virus attacks first, and when a dog develops an infection and the body is weakened, a bacterial infection is added.
The Bordetella bacterium then adheres to the cilia of the respiratory epithelium and blocks them - this limits, and sometimes even makes it impossible to clear the respiratory tract of germs and foreign bodies, which also promotes infection.
The course of the disease is not always severe, but it can be fatal, especially if the dog is immunocompromised or not treated properly.
Kennel cough: pathways of infection
Kennel cough is very easy to spread, and the dog can become infected by direct contact with another sick dog, either by inhalation or by droplets - it is enough for the sick dog to cough or even have a slight discharge from the nose.
The most vulnerable to infection are dogs staying in large groups: kennels, shelters, dog hotels. Breeders also note many cases of infection after returning from animal exhibitions.
However, any dog that goes for walks can get sick - it is enough that during a walk he has contact "nose to nose" with another sick dog - and also one that comes into contact with him, for example, through the mesh in the fence around the property .
Symptoms of kennel cough
It takes an average of3 to 10 days. The disease usually begins with a lack of appetite and a deterioration in well-being - the dog does not want to play or go for a walk, it is depressed and sad.
Then there is a high fever, even up to 40 degrees Celsius, watery discharge from the nose and conjunctiva, as well as the most characteristic symptom: persistent, dry, rumbling and violent cough, during which the dog chokes, has a gag reflex and often even vomits.
The cough may turn into wheezing and increase with each change in temperature (e.g. when going for a walk and returning home) or during physical exertion - the pooch then gives the impression that he is choking, and when coughing, the leakage from nose and conjunctiva (which often progresses from watery to purulent over time). Sometimes the dog also has diarrhea and may have enlarged lymph nodes.
The duration of the disease depends on whether it is mild or complicated. In light cases - symptoms last up to two weeks, while in complicated cases - even for several months.
Important!A dog can transmit the virus for up to several weeks after the end of treatment, so it is better to limit its contact with other animals.
Mileage kennel cough
Kennel cough develops very quickly, but its course depends on the resistance of the pet and the virulence of the attacked microbes. In a slight course, a kennel cough is similar to a common cold - the dog coughs, has no appetite, but otherwise behaves normally.
In moderately severe course, the symptoms are more intense - the dog is tired with coughing and runny nose, but reacts quickly to medications and symptoms disappear after a few days.
The most difficult and worst prognostic course is the severe course of the disease when the dog looks seriously ill: he has severe shortness of breath, coughs a lot, he has no strength to get up or eat.
Read also: Dog demodicosis: symptoms, treatment. Is Demodex contagious?
Parvovirosis - canine typhus: causes, symptoms, treatment
Treatment of kennel cough
The most severe disease affects puppies and dogs that are aged or those whose bodies have been damaged by a fight against another, also chronic, disease. Treatment for kennel cough can take up to eight weeks. The course and method of treatment depends on the course of the disease.
In the mild stage, antitussive drugs, antipyretics and preparations supporting immunity are mainly used, sometimes also an antibiotic (the doctor may give up on it), the animal also has to stay in a dry and warm place for some time.
When the disease is on averagesevere course, it is necessary to administer an antibiotic and drugs that protect the intestines. In severe kennel cough, in addition to medication, rehydration c is required, as well as tube feeding.
Vaccination against kennel cough
Vaccinations protect against kennel coughing. Until recently, a combined injection vaccine was used, which immunized the animal, e.g. to parainfluenza virus and adenovirus. Currently, a vaccine is used that also contains the antigen of the bacterium Bordetella bronchiseptica.
It is not administered in the form of an injection, but is instilled directly into one of the nostrils using a special applicator, thanks to which it directly reaches the respiratory system and builds local immunity.
One dose of the vaccine gives one year of immunity - it develops within 72 hours of vaccination. Puppies over 3 weeks of age can be vaccinated for kennel cough.